Almost Healthy
Turning Yellow
I live 35 miles SW of Tucson, Az. I noticed some yellowing/turning brown needles on my Afghan Pine Tree toward the bottom inner branches. It was bought and planted three months ago at 5' high and 20" wide. Where there were two leaders on top there are now nine. I deep soak it with a soaker hose every 4 days for 3 hours and give it one gallon of 20-20-20 liquid nutrients every three weeks followed by a soaking. Is there anything else I should be doing or not? Would appreciate your input.
AnswerIt is fairly normal for the needles on the inner part of the crown to drop. I would cut back on the water to not more than once a week. I would check the soil around the tree base and if it is dry down to three inches then water. This will cause the roots to grow deeper. I would not fertilize again until next year. Sometimes fertilizing the first year will burn the roots and this could cause needle drop. As long as you are getting new growth on the top the tree is going to be fine. Too much water and fertilizer is as bad as tool little. Just let it grow naturally and do not over water no more fertilizer this year.