QuestionI Have a very old Maple(planted in 1923)whose bark is pulling away and starting to split from the the main trunk. The wood underneath looks firm and healthy. I first noticed it mid-summer last year (6/2012). The leaves and branches are still healthy and show no signs of disease. Is there anything I can do to prevent this from continuing? should I pull the loose bark off? thanks for anything you can tell me. Appreciate it!
AnswerThis sounds normal for older maples. Over time maples will slough off bark. As long as the foliage is green and healthy looking and there is no sign of insect activity where the bark is peeling--the tree seems OK. Insect activity would be holes and sawdust or oozing of sap. Do not pull the bark off it will come of by itself. Pull it may damage the cambium layer under the bark and expose it to insects.