Trunk 1
I have a maple about 5 years old and the bark split last year. More bark is coming off up the trunk and it shows the inside of the tree and that is beginning to split. The leaves are browning. I started to do root watering and plane on root fertilizing. Can the tree be saved or should I just replace it?
Had asked you the above are the pictures your requested. Thank you very much for your help.
AnswerThanks for the pictures. Well it looks like you had an old wound that was healing but a insect called borer has infested the area and caused the bark to sluff off. These insects enter wounds and bore under the bark and lay their eggs and as the larvae grow the bark loosens. You can spray the area with an insecticide called Merit --this will kill the borers under the bark. The tree can survive with this large a wound an it looks like it is trying to grow or heal over the wound. The problem will come can the tree trunk hold the top and the foliage during a strong wind storm. I think I would spray the trunk and see what happens being aware that a wind storm could take break the trunk. It it falls and will not hit anything I would let it go as is after treatment and replace it if and when the trunk breaks. If you decide to keep the tree I would fertilize the tree with 10-10-10 fertilizer at the rate of 1 lb of fertilizer per inch of trunk diameter scattered around the tree and watered in good, Apply the fertilize just before a rain event and you will not need to water. Borers attack trees under stress and the fertilizer will increase the health of the tree drastically lower the stress and further attacks.