I have two royal empress trees planted in large pots. They are both doing very well! But one of them is getting nibbled on. At first I thought it was the bunny that frequents our yard, but because only one is being devoured and it seems that it is only the big leafy parts (not the stem), my wife and I think that it may be some type of bug.
Is there anything that we can put on the leaves to prevent what we think is a bug eating our tree.
We are so excited about the trees but frustrated that some little but or critter is excited about them too!
AnswerTreat the leaves with an insecticide called Sevin Dust. This is applied to the leaves and will stop insect from feeding on the leaves. Check with your local nursery/ garden type store for this insecticide. The dust will also discourage the rabbit feeding. Royal Empress is too large a tree to grow in a pot (even large ones) As time goes on you will have problems with roots binding and the tree will show signs of deiback. I would plan to plant this tree somewhere it has space in your yard.