ash tree
We have 4 ash trees (MN) that are about 25 years old. This year two of them do not have any leaves. I am wondering if they got frost bite as we have been unseasonably cold this year. They shed seeds as usual however the buds are dried up. Is there hope that they will bud again?
AnswerSometimes the early leaves of hardwood trees are killed by a late freeze but hardwood tree have the capability of leafing out again. Also Ash is one of the later budding tree species. Viewing the pictures, it does not look good. If other trees have leafed out fully these tree may have died. Check to see if the tree is still alive. Try to reach a branch end and scrap a small bit of bark off and if the color under the bark is green the branch is still alive if the color under the bark is brown and the twigs are brittle the branch is dead at this pint on the branch. If brown continue down the branch scraping at intervals until you find green under the bark or you reach the main trunk. If no green is found this branch is dead. You can try reaching other branches especially further up the tree and check them. IF no success I would still wait a month and see if it will leaf from living branches. Good Luck!