Redbud Tree Leaf
I have a weeping redbud tree that is about 2-3 years old. It's about 3-4 ft. tall. It has brown spots on the leaves that dry and leave holes and the edges of the leaves turn brown and crinkle up. I had this problem last year with it to the point that all the leaves finally fell off. I live in College Station, TX where it is hot and dry. I water it regularly, it is in the full sun. I have another tree just like it, same age and size that were planted at the same time. It has no problem. What can I do to help this poor tree? I am attaching some photos of the front and back of the leaf. Thank you.
AnswerLeaf spots can be a problem during wet weather. The spots appear as small brown or black spots on the top of leaves. Since the disease is rarely serious, no chemical controls are normally needed, however, in severe cases or to improve the look of the tree, spray the tree with a fungicide. The fungicide spray should be applied when the leaf spots are first noticed and again in about 14 to 20 days. The following spring, shortly after bud break, re-spray the tree with the Liquid Copper to ensure no over-wintering of the spot disease. Since the leaf spot fungus over winters in the fallen leaves and then re-infects the tree the following spring, it is important in the autumn to collect up and remove any leaves that have fallen to the ground.
If fungicides are required use a labeled product containing mancozeb or chlorothalonil.
Most fungicides are sprayed early in the spring to prevent leaf spots. You could try a fungicide it should keep the spots from spreading but will not make the ones that are there go away. Check with your local nursery for a fungicide for leaf spots on trees.