QuestionI have a very mature Honey locust but am starting to notice that it is getting very thin and I have some branches dying. If I was to top this tree out, will it continue to grow and if so how long does it usually take to rebound? Thanks for any info you can provide, I really don't want to lose the tree and would like to save it any way possible.
AnswerTopping a mature tree can kill it I would not recommend that. From the description I can not tell what the problem might be--root disease, stem canker, foliage disease, borers. I would fertilize the tree with 10-10-10 fertilizer at the rat of 1 lb per inch trunk diameter scattered around the tree and watered in good. Apply just before a rain storm and you will not need to water. IF there are areas on the trunk that are wet looking and soft I would spray the trunk for borers--use an insecticide called Onyx or Merit. These will kill the insect under the bark. Borers will attack tree under stress so the fertilizer will help here also. Sorry with the little information That is all I can determine from your question.