I have a young weeping willow tree that was planted about a year ago. I am having problems with Japanese beetles eating its leaves. I would like to know what kind of pesticide is safe to use on it. I tried using some insecticidal soap on the beetles, but this turned the leaves yellow and and I am worried about killing the tree. Please advise. Thank you,
AnswerI would use two methods to control the beetles. The best long term control/preventive is an insecticide called Bayer Advanced Tree and Shrub insect control. This is applies to the soil around the tree and the roots will carry it to the leaves and stems and when the beetles feed they are killed. This is best used early in the spring since it will take a couple of weeks to enter the leaves. For beetles that are present on the tree I would use a systemic insecticide called Orthene. make sure you cover all the foliage and stems with the spray. This will have an immediate knock down. I would use the Orthene now and also treat with the Bayer product for season long protection of future beetle generations. Check with your local garden type store for these products. Here is a web link to the Bayer product.