QuestionHow tall does an arapahoe crepe myrtle grow the first year and should it bloom? New question-I have a salix weeping willow in my front yard. It reallly is too big not to trim it. When is the best time to do so?
AnswerArapahoe crepe myrtle grows 3-5 ft. per year and it should bloom the first year.
You can prune the lower branches off to about 1/4 inch from the main trunk. A weeping willow tree is one of those trees that you can prune if you wish and don't have to if you don't want to. If you have a large yard with plenty of space for your tree, weeping willows look great natural without any pruning or shaping. Trim back the branches of the weeping willow tree if they get in your way or if you want to let more sunshine into the yard. Weeping willows are hardy trees and can be pruned to fit your needs without causing them harm. Most of the pruning of live branches should be done after the leaf fall. Do not prune the top leaders while they have leaves on them--this is the growing part of the tree and cutting them will stunt the tree. Any side branches that are hanging too low for you can be pruned at any time.
The best times to prune willows trees are in the late summer or early fall. This variety bleeds sap, so it is important to prune when the sap is bleeding the least.