pussy willow aphids?
QUESTION: G'morning,
I have a pussy willow that I have trimmed up into a tree shape, approx 15 feet tall with about a 15 ft canopy. It has been seemingly healthy and still looks so to my untrained eye but, when I noticed an abundance of bees,wasps and hornets all over it I became concerned and looked closer. Under the tree it looks like soot has fallen on the stone below, it is only in that one area and completely under the canopy so I assume it is from the tree. I also noticed this morning that there seems to be aphids(? see photo) on at least one of the branches.
I live in Manahawkin, NJ on the water ( salt water ). The tree is in an area of the yard that receives full sun exposure
I hope you can help me with this, I have a sentimental attachment to this particular shrub/tree :-)Other photo's are available .
Thanks very much
ANSWER: Aphids suck the plant juices form the plant and secrete a substance called Honeydew which is high in sugar content. A black sooty mold will grow on this honeydew. Control the aphids and the sooty mold will go away. The wasps and bees are also feeding on the honeydew.
Treat the tree with an insecticide called Bayer Advanced Tree and shrub Insect Control. This is applied to the soil around the tree and the roots will transport it to the leaves and twigs killing the insect when they suck the plant juices. It will take a couple of weeks for this to effect the insects. You can if the tree is not too tall spray the foliage with an insecticide called Orthene. You will need to make sure you spray all the leaves and on both sides. this will control the aphids fairly fast. Check with your local nursery for these insecticides.
Here is a web link to the Bayer product.
---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------
QUESTION: hi Jim sorry to " bug " you again but none of the links from >< worked for me. I could not find a source. Do you know of another product that might work or a chain store that might carry it?
AnswerHere is a list of insecticides that will work on aphids but will take several applications to control the population where the systemic insecticides like Orthene and the Bayer product take usually only one.
Contact Insecticides: Numerous contact insecticides are registered for aphid control. Since aphids are often placed under considerable pesticide pressure in field crops and greenhouses, they may be resistant to certain categories of insecticides. Therefore, if you do not obtain reasonable control, consider rotation to another insecticide. Contact insecticides currently registered for aphid control include: acephate (Orthene), bifenthrin (Talstar), chlorpyrifos (Dursban), diazinon, malathion, nicotine sulfate, pyrethrum, rotenone, resmethrin, and tetramethrin + sumithrin.