I have just transplanted some 6-7 foot spruce,done professionally,(bobcat & spade),am keeping them well watered but,should I cover the whole ball(about 3 feet across)with black dirt or let it "breathe".I've had 2 different opinions.I did have the new dirt right to the trunk but then I pulled it back so it was back to the original dirt that it came with.They were wrapped in burlap and put into the wire cages.Not sure what to do--but have left the new dirt around the outside of the ball.
Answer The top of the root ball should be even with the ground level and the soil should not be up on the trunk. This is called the root collar and if covered it will case problem with the foliage dying. The burlap and the wire should have been removed before they were planted. The excess soil should be moved away from the trees. I would mulch around the tree with not more than 3 inches deep of organic mulch (pine straw is good) not piled up on the trunk. Since it is out of season to plant trees make sure you water them with 1 inch of water ==place a pan under the trees and when the pan has 1 inch of water in it stop. Do this every third day fro a month and then every forth day for a month then once a week.