QuestionI've recently purchased a waterfront lot on Toledo Bend Lake in Louisiana. I would like to plant some Bald Cypress in the water all the way around the point. How close can I plant them together and would it be bad if they are always in the water? Any tips and advise will be useful.
AnswerIt is best to plant them at the waters edge not in the water. They can stand some water in the winter months but during the growing season they will do much better if the trunk is not in the water. Plant them any way you wish as far a spacing. They can be planted in groups about 8-10 feet apart or in a row 10 feet apart or as wide as you want. They will get to be quite large so closer than 10 feet maybe too close.
The best time to plant bare-root cypress seedlings is while they are dormant (November to March). Freezing temperatures should be avoided because the roots are sensitive and will die if frozen. Containerized cypress seedlings can be planted year-round.
The most important consideration is avoiding the exposure of newly planted cypress seedlings to drought. Seedlings should be planted when the soil is moist or shallowly flooded and likely to remain so for several months. Planting cypress in water is fine provided that the seedlings are not completely submerged