QuestionI have 2 large silk floss (mimosa) trees here in Southern California. The bark is being striped from both by squirrels. Is there anything I can do to discourage this? Will it hurt the trees? I have not been able to get an answer from local nurseries.
Thank you.
AnswerThe living cells of a tree are just under the bark and if these cells are girdles all the way around the tree trunk the tree will die. Bark chewed off the sides of a trunk will wound the trunk but not kill the tree.Remove any loose bark from the wound and allow the tree to heal itself. Mimosa does not really have a history of insect borers entering wounds so that should not be a problem.
There are repellent that can be used to discourage squirrel damage.
Ro-pel is a taste repellent that can be applied to seeds, bulbs, and flowers; trees and shrubs; poles and fences; siding and outdoor furniture. Capsaicin is also a taste repellent, registered for use on maple sap collecting equipment. Here is a web link to information on Ropel.
Here is another site that lists other repellents.
Check with your local nursery for this product.