Question Live in Fletcher, NC and have a Japanese Weeping Cherry tree that is around 25-30 ft tall. The branches are very brittle and the tree is lop sided, as in 2/3 covered somewhat sparsely with branches and flowers and the other 1/3 has lost the branches. There is also at times a brownish sap that seeps out of the lower part of the trunk. It this "normal" and what can I do to help the tree fill out? What type fertilizer is best for this tree?
Thanks, Chris
AnswerSounds like an insect called a borer has attacked the trunk. I would spray the trunk with an insecticide called Merit. Check with your local nursery for Merit.
Borers attack trees under stress so I would fertilize the tree with 10-10-10 fertilizer at the rate of 1 lb of fertilizer per inch of trunk diameter scattered around the tree and watered in good. Fertilize now and agin in late summer.