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Replanting Peach Treeq

We have a peach tree that needs to be transplanted due to it was planted on a ledgey area by the previous owners and is now falling over. What is the best time of year to move them and how do you take care of them after the move to make it successful? By the way we live in vermont. I also have a question on pruning? when and how much

woody plants are preferably moved in the spring after the ground thaws and before the buds on the tree or shrub begin to swell. They may also be moved in the fall after leaf drop but before the ground freezes. Fall planting should take place soon after leaf drop, providing time for new water absorbing roots to develop before the soil freezes. Woody plants that are transplanted in late spring and early summer, when shoot growth is at its peak, tend to show the greatest transplant injury.

When you want to dig up a tree or shrub for transplanting, retain as much of the root system as possible. Deciduous trees that are only 3-4 years old may be moved with their roots bare.

Older deciduous trees can be successfully moved only if a ball of soil is left around the roots. The exposed roots should be protected with moist burlap or newspaper or with polyethylene sheeting. Every effort should be made to reduce root exposure to wind and sun, keeping the ball as moist as possible. It's best to prepare the hole before digging up the tree you wish to move.

To ensure that the soil ball is not disturbed when moving, it should be held together with a piece of burlap or sacking. "Lace" the burlap with heavy twine if the tree is to be moved a considerable distance.

Dig the new hole large enough so that the root system will not be crowded or folded. Usually it is best to dig a hole twice the size of the root ball. Fill with good top soil and mulch around the tree with not more than 3 inches of mulch. Water with about 1 inch of water per week unless it rains. Do not fertilize the tree the first year.

Here is web link to how to prune peach trees.

Size of the root ball and size of the hole:

For deciduous trees and shrubs the soil ball should be:

Width = 9-12 in. in diameter/every 1 in. of tree diameter
Depth = 6 in./every 1 in. of tree diameter

For example: A tree trunk 2 inches wide would need a soil ball of 18-24 inches wide and 12 inches deep.  

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