QuestionI am in the Los Angeles area where there was a bit of evening frost three
months ago. Plants, shrubs, etc. were a bit affected, but have all come back
fine. I have two Magnolias about 5 years old, however, each about 30 feet
apart. I gave them both a good soaking a month or so ago since it's been a
very dry winter. One looks great, full and is beginning to flower. In the last
couple of weeks, the other comparatively has leaves looking droopy, though
there are lots of flower buds on it, which I hope are going to open. It looked
good until few weeks back. Should I be concerned? I did drain a small hot
tub with a very slight amount of chemicals around the base of that tree a
month ago and wonder if that somehow bothered the tree. Thanks much!
AnswerI would say the chemicals from the hot tub was the problem. The high chlorine content would effect the tree. I would water it once a week with 1 inch of water (place a pan under the tree and turn the sprinkler on when the pan has 1 inch of water in it stop. This should provide the tree with enough water to over come the chemicals from the hot tub. Do not over water thinking this will flush the area out--too much water is as bad for a tree as too little.