QuestionI live in Houston, Texas. I have oak trees all over my property. Every spring I have small green worms that make a web. They eat and kill everything in my yard. How do I get rid of them, without damaging my trees, and other plants?
AnswerSounds like Eastern Tent Caterpillar. This insect makes webs on the foliage in the spring and eats the leaves on many hardwood trees and shrubs. The part "they eat everything in my yard" bothers me though--different insets feed on different plants and it is extremely rare that an insect will feed on all plants. The caterpillars can be controlled with the use of an insecticide called Bt. This is a safe insecticide that kills only caterpillar type insects. I would suggest you contact the Houston Urban Forester and ask his advice he will know what problems the trees may have in Houston and can also come out to your place and take a look. Here is the name and contact information. Houston -
Dallas Singleton
(713) 688-8932
[email protected]
Here is a web link to information on Eastern Tent Caterpillar.