QuestionHi Jim
Phoenix, Arizona
The trees are 10 years old, Last yeat I got oranges, This year I didn't get anything.
I have two citrus trees. they are infected with leafminers. The leaves are wrinckled and curved. I bought some liquid to kill the leaf miners but it only helped one tree.I bought another bottle for the tree that didn't show any results, But it didn't help.
Can you give me any advice.
AnswerHomeowners who have a few citrus trees in the backyard also may obtain excellent control of citrus leafminers by using spinosad formulated for citrus in home gardens. Homeowners may obtain spinosad at local garden centers under different commercial names such as Conserve, Naturalyte Insect Control, Green Light Spinosad, Success, Fertilome Borer, Bagworm, Leafminer & Tent Caterpillar Spray, etc. Citrus leafminer control is important on young, growing backyard citrus trees and mature trees. Citrus leafminer control on backyard trees in turn will reduce sources of citrus leafminer infestations which later migrate to trees in nearby commercial orchards.
Maximum protection for citrus leafminer on both commercial and home garden trees is obtained if sprays are applied when the new foliage is only half emerged and the first affected leaves are just beginning to curl. Remember that protecting trees from additional foliage loss is important because trees use this new growth to accumulate needed carbohydrates to help expedite the healing and recovery process.
I would also recommend that you contact the Arizona Extension Service--they have a citrus unit. Here is a web link to the contact information for that unit. If they can not help they will be able to give you some one who can.