QuestionI have been trying to get rid of a few Chinese elm trees. I have tried to cut them flush with the ground and even digging them up but they keep coming back up. They are growing like weeds because my neighbors trees go to seed about this time and the seeds go everywhere. Any suggestions on how I can kill the ones in my yard?
AnswerIF the sprouts are in the lawn then continuous mowing them down will over time kill them (the roots systems will run out of reserve and stop sprouting).
The best way is with the use of a herbicide. IF the sprouts are small (small that you can run them over and cut them with a lawn mower)and in the lawn. I would get a herbicide for grass (one that will kill the weeds but not the grass) and spray the area the sprouts are located. IF the sprouts are not in the lawn or larger cut the tree trunk and paint the freshly cut stump with a herbicide called Roundup. The tree stump will take up the Roundup and move it to the roots system and kill the plant. BEWARE Roundup will kill any green plant it gets on so make sure up do not get it on any plant not wanted killed. Check with your local nursery/garden type store for these herbicides.