QuestionI have an old pecan tree in my yard that exhibits symptoms of long term zinc deficiency. There are several dead limbs and the foliage does not fill out properly. I have been told that this is one of the largest trees in SC and is probably 400 years old. I have tried spreading zinc sulfate, but can't really tell a difference. Do you have any suggestions or the name of an expert in coastal SC (Southwest) that I can contact to help me save this tree?
AnswerI would strongly suggest you take a soil sample and get it the results and follow the guidelines from the sample. The SC Forestry Commission has a Pathologist and if you contact him he should be able to assist you by checking the tree and/or how to do the soil sample. His name is Andy Boone (803) 896-8814 and he has an office in Columbia. Tell him I sent you he is a good friend.
Jim Hyland