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alder tree sick

QuestionMy alder suddenly got black somewhat sticky on one whole side of it. Looking up you see dripping sap which is not black. whaty could this be? It looks like it was burned.. AnswerSounds like an insect

Best oak Tree

QuestionCan you recommend the best oak tree for me to plant? Which one doesnt rot on the inside? I can plant it away from my house as I dont want it to grow limbs over my house. I live on a small hill sandy in centr

My Trees are DYING!

QuestionHello Jim! I need help. My husband & I just built a new home in Lehigh Acres, FL on a small canal. Weve been here less than 3 months. When they cleared the lot we asked if they could keep as many trees

crepe myrtle tree

QuestionWe live in Florence, SC our crepe myrtle is in the ground about 18 mos it is doing good what should we use/when to fertilize it & when should we prune it? Thank You. AnswerFertilize with 10-10-1

bark peeling off mini weeping cherry

QuestionI have a mini pink weeping cherry tree approx 6 feet tall and 3 years old. recently I noticed the bark is peeling off around the trunk in 2 areas approx 3 inches long, Will this kill the tree and what

Planting of River Birches

QuestionHow far away from a building should river birches be planted and why? AnswerThere are a couple of reason not to plant River Birch near buildings. Grows to 40 to 70, 40-60 spread. (zones 4-9) The roots syst

Cottonwood leaves falling

QuestionIs there a good reason why one of my cottonwoods has leaves that are turning yellow and falling this early? AnswerMore than likely the weather. Cottonwoods are one of the first trees that will drop their le

Crypt Myrtle tree: how to kill root system ?

QuestionI cut down a Crypt Myrtle tree with appx 4-6 trunk last year. The stump was ground down at the time. Now we are getting growth of lots of small Crypt Myrtles. What can be done to kill the e

Tree root system

QuestionWe own a house which we purchased in 2002, and was built in 1996. There are 3 large (over 20) trees on the north side of the house which a local nursery tells me are a cousin of the poplar tree. They are gro

lions head maple

QuestionHello! We purchased a beautiful lions head maple tree last spring. Lately, it has developed a greenish coating on the trunk and branches. Is this normal? I hope it is not dying. Thanks for your a

My trees are dying

QuestionMy trees in my front yard are dying. I dont know what is wrong and I am a complete idiot when it comes to plants. They suddenly dried up, the leaves went brown and when you break off a branch the

dogwood tree roots

QuestionQUESTION: We have several dogwood trees on west side of house next to a sidewalk. It appears that the sidewalk is rising. Could the dogwood trees roots be causing the sidewalk to rise? Shou

Bugs Eating My Pine Needles on My Tree

QuestionThere are these bugss that are in bag like sacks eating the pine needles on my pine tree in the front yard. What can I do to get rid of them? I went to the store and got the recommended spray, bu

baby live oak

QuestionMy mom has a huge live oak in her yard that drops a ton of acorns, the ones that dont get mowed over, sprout. She had one that was about 5 ft. tall/6-8 inches around that was growing too close to

Ponderosa Pines - dead branches and moss

QuestionMy husband and I are building a house south of Spokane, WA, which is zone 5. We have lots of Ponderosa Pines on the property. It seems lots of the trees have dead branches near the bottom, and th

bores in red oaks

QuestionOrganic way to treat red oaks for bores AnswerHere are some that have been reported BUT I do not know how well they work. 1. Take some stiff wire and work it into the hole to kill them. 2.Make a solution

Red bud tree

QuestionJim, due to a recent storm I returned home from vacation only to find that a significant limb on my favored red bud tree had split downward like a wish bone splitting the main trunk of the tree about 6 inche

Oak tree dying

QuestionI reside in central Texas. The oak tree in my front yard is dying. The bark, especially at the base of the tree is black and flaking off. The leaves have turned brown in the last 3 weeks. &

OLD weeping mulberry tree

Question Weeping Mulberry I bought a house about three years ago. It had this HUGE weird tree in the backyard - we didnt know that it was a weeping mulberry until about a week ago. It is about 18 feet high and

Leland Spruce

QuestionHello, Is the Leland Spruce and the Leland Cypress the same tree? How far apart do you recomend planting these trees. I am looking at 10. thanks George AnswerYes sort of- the real name is Leyland cypress. I

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