QuestionI have 2 big cottonwood trees in my front yard. The roots are sprouting out more little trees. I would like to know what is the best solution to stop or control this. Im real tired of cutti
QuestionI have a live oak 6 inch in diameter that we planted two years ago. We are in North Texas, hardly any rain this summer. The tree is at our weekend home and we thought someone was watering it, but we came o
Japanese Maple tree roots exposed and possibly dying
QuestionI live in the Detroit, Michigan suburbs, and planted 2 Japanese Maple trees in my yard with a Western exposure last summer. One tree was planted too close to the septic clean out door. When we
QuestionWe recently had to cut branches off of our globe willow because they were encroaching on the neighbors property. They are healthy branches, how do I re-plant them? AnswerTo start a new tree from the s
QuestionWe have a redwood tree in our backyard thats been there for at least 30 yrs (we have lived here for 17 yrs). We landscaped the back 5 yrs ago and put in pavers. The trees roots have caused the pavers to upro
QuestionHello, Jim. I live in Riverside, California, which is 75 mile east of downtown Los Angeles, on the edge of the desert. I have a weeping willow tree that has been growing in my yard for about 15 y
QuestionI have a 5 year old red maple recently the bark has split on the north and south of the tree. The split run almost the length of the trunk. The tree seems healthy good foliage no visible sign of insects, HEL
QuestionJim: A neighbor keeps telling me that if I stack cordwood between two trees, that will kill the trees. Is this true? If so, why? Thanks for your help. Larry AnswerThe stacking
QuestionI just bought a 6000 sq ft property that I want to build on that has about 25 ficus trees and no other plantlife. Most trees are 2 in diameter, but appror six have trunks 9-18. What can I do to k
Identify Unknown Hawaiian Plant/Tree???
QuestionMystery Plant QUESTION: Hi, Id like help in identifying a tree. Very unusual story. Almost 20 years ago I went to a plant/flower show in NY city. One of the booths sold me a stick about a foot long an
QuestionI have a birch tree and the base of the tree by the roots appears to be rotted out or maybe a disease. It is quite a large area but the tree itself appears healthy. I think I saw a mouse burrowin
QuestionJust noticed a wasp digging a hole in the base of our 2 yr. old Ash tree! Do they do this? AnswerYes there are wasps that will tunnel in the ground or under the roots of trees making nests. If t
sand within drip line over roots
Question Sand tree roots I have a concern for three trees (two alders and one pine) that are near a lake shoreline. A beach has been created which placed approx 6 inches of sand over the tree root area. What would b
QuestionMy son gave me two Crimson Queens for Mothers Day this year. They were planted right away. The soil is all clay about a foot down but above that potting soil, top soil, soil conditioner and manur
QuestionMy crape myrtles were severely attacked by Japanese beetles earlier this year. I sprayed them with Sevin which has always worked in the past. After 3 weeks, the beetles returned worse than they w
QuestionHi, my wife is dying of cancer,her sister bought her an Acer which was doing well until father in law strimmed the lawn and also about two inches of bark off the tree,all around the diameter.Its about three
QuestionI live in Eastern North Carolina and want a tree to form a north wind Block. I was wondering how deep the Thuja trees roots go and if it could stand up to a hurricane? Also is it true that if you
QuestionWeve had worms stripping the leaves on our birch tree stand. Some worms about 1.5-2 in. long, green and off white long stripes with orangish feet and head. What can we do to stop them from reappe
QuestionI live in south eastern Idaho. My weeping willow tree branches and leaves have become very sticky to the touch in the last few weeks. It seems to be making everything around it sticky lawn, sidewalk, deck. e
QuestionHello Jim!!! My husband and I just landacaped our chicagoland yard and as a tribute to my father who loved Japanese Maple Trees, we planted one by our front door. Its been there for a little over a month an
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