QuestionHi there, my husband and I just did an addition on to our house, but wanted to keep all of our mature trees on the property. We have a large Ash(?) tree that part of the roots had to be cut through to
QuestionI live in New England and have a Magnolia in the front yard, this is the second year in a row weve had this same problem. The tree appears to have what looks like slime mold and sooty mold and th
Cottonwood tree just transplanted
QuestionTree was transplanted just one week ago. Yesterday I noticed a few dark spots on the leaves and on one branch the leaves were turning yellow. Today almost every branch has leaves that are turning
QuestionI planted a 10 ft cottonwood four days ago. The leaves are gradually turning yellow. I live in Cheyenne,WY and it has been very dry so I have tried to water the tree extensively. Should I be concerned? Is th
Liquid oozing around base of Oak tree
QuestionI have a very old 100-150 year old oak tree that just recently I noticed a hole appear near at the base of the tree and it was damp. I thought an animal dug it but now an oozing dark liquid is bubbling slowl
2nd Question on Italian Cyprus
QuestionI just read your response on another persons posted question in which you provided a pdf document on the trees - how would I go about determining if my trees have root rot (if Ive been over watering)....if t
QuestionSticky stuff is oozing down the bark of the cherry tree. See ants at the bottom of the tree. What should I do? AnswerThe foul-smelling and unsightly seepage of sap from the trunk of shade trees
QuestionGreetings most knowledgeable one, my client has a blue atlas cedar which is fading fast. The needles are turning brown and dropping as limbs die from the bottom up as the tree dies. There is amber sap exudin
QuestionI am sorry to bother you again but I did not reveive your reply re: Does plugging damage maple trees or is spraying better. I found that plugs stops hatching and I get no mess, whereas when spraying they sti
Crimson Maple dying after planting
QuestionMy wife and I recently planted two crimson maples in the front yard of our new home. one tree went into the ground easily, had a hearty root ball and is now doing well with daily watering. The other trees
QuestionA large branch cracked off of our established apple tree the other day for no apparent reason. It left a large, gaping wound to the trunk that involves about a quarter of it. We would like to save the tree.
Oak Tree infested with Carpenter Ants
QuestionWhat is the best treatment for eliminating ants from a water oak tree located in Alabama--considerable amount of sawdust located at root of tree (circumference about 2-3 feet. AnswerThe inside part of a tre
QuestionHi Jim, My mother has a crepe myrtle just like the ones my sister and I have. We all live on the outskirts of Columbia, SC. Crepe Myrtles are now blooming all over the place. However, my mother has had hers
QuestionI have about 30 acres of land in Oklahoma City. The Juniper trees are taking over and choking out the oaks and maples trees and making a mess. What is the best way to remove mulitple juniper tree
QuestionMy granddaughter was hunting mushrooms and stuck her finger on a honeylocust thorn. This was a month ago. Now her finger is still swollen, will not bend fully, and hurts at times. AnswerYou can
QuestionI read Kellies problem with her crape myrtles. I have the exact same problem (i also live in charlotte) and will take your advice to spray every 5 days. However, planted in a semi cirles around my trees are
QuestionI live in Omaha, Nebraska. This Spring, our landscaper planted several Holmstrup Arborvites along fence for privacy. Two are turning light green with what looks like a yellowish tint to their lea
QuestionI recently purchased 40 trees 8-10 tall. They came on a flat bed Truck from Maryland some had Yellow or brown spots I thought were burn spots from the trip. Now after 2 months 3 have turned yellow or brown a
QuestionQUESTION: I have several globe willows 3-5 years old. one started to lose its bark 2-3 years ago and now the other two are just starting. the bark peels away to hard wood underneath. this year I notice fine
QuestionI would like to know the best way to kill poplars for fire wood. That is to kill them and leave them standing for half a year or so. The purpose is to allow them to dry/cure while standing.  
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