QuestionSo I decided to remove 2 white poplar trees from my yard since I seen that the roots were starting to pop up in my grass. I was able to remove the whole stump and cut of the 1/2 inch round roots. How much of
QuestionI have planted some eastern redbuds in my yard this past spring and they are growing very well. But in the past month or so I have noticed that something has been eating the edges of the leaves. I have
QuestionQUESTION: Have two of these trees, had them planted in fall of year. One had to be replaced the following spring. It is dyeing and had to cut down. Both trees are FULL of small beetle like bugs.
mimosa tree roots effect on rock foundations
QuestionHello, I have a cute small mimosa tree 6 feet from my 1930s native stone foundation in Fayetteville, Ar. Will this mimosa tree as it gets bigger effect the structural integrity of my foundation.....t
QuestionDuring renovation, a neighbor moved in a lot of dirt to landscape part of his yard. He has added about 1 -2 feet of dirt around several assorted trees. Wont this kill them? AnswerMore than likely they wil
Question Fungus in Magnolia Tre A couple weeks ago Gypsy moths were abundant in my Magnolia Tree, then stopped. Two days ago when walking around the yard, I noticed an abundant amount of flies on the mulch ben
bore (sp?) worms in large old oak tree in AR
QuestionI was told I have bore worms and that my tree needed to be treated. Ive also noted black ants around the tree. Can this tree be saved? What should I do to save it? Thank you for your time
Question tree bark I just bought a house and my favorite tree is now (was fine last summer) full of cracking bark - some of them are leaking. When I looked closely I saw a little caterpillar - or worm and a few inse
QuestionLate last summer my mature pin oak dropped leaves early compared to other similar trees in area. The weather had been dry. This spring it appeared that 25% of the limbs were dead. Since then, many of the lim
Question Old Oak Tree I think that the oak tree I have is a post oak. It is very large and very old. About a year ago the tree began to look bad. Now, exactly 1/2 of the tree has died. In the
Questionsome leaves have what looks like a green worm growing on them. some leaves only have a few but others have many. they stand up off the leaf but look like they are growing out of the leaf. AnswerAre these
QuestionWe cut down a very large willow last year and left a 6 foot tall stump. Are the roots still active? Our neighbor said the roots are growing into his house and causing damage to the foundation. He has water
QuestionHello. We live in Stevens County WA. My husband and I planted 20 weeping willow saplings. When they arrived, they were dormant. When they started growing, the new leaves and branches were not on the top of t
QuestionI live on the NW side of Houston (1960/290 area). My Water Oak is about 9 years old and is about 20 feet tall. I was walking in my yard, under the tree, this week and noticed that there was a fin
Leland Cyprus trees, gabion wall installation
QuestionWe have erosion and also our trees our 10 years old, Leyland Cyprus and the county intends to put a gabion wall one foot from the trees, and it will go 2.5 feet into the ground. Are the trees going to
QuestionQUESTION: I planted a weeping oak about 3 years ago. It grew about 6 feet taller (its probably about 30 feet tall now) and each summer the leaves are increasingly yellow. The veins are green. &nb
bag worms in maryland in lateJuly
QuestionWe have bag worms on spruces that we just noticed and they are over 1 inch long. we have constant debris falling on the concrete right underneath .How do we treat these at such a late stage and will th
Very old, Very Big Maple Tree needs help
QuestionQUESTION: I have a very old (possibly 100 years old) and very large Maple tree which stands just outside my Vermont home. The core of this tree has a hole which faces skyward. Weve had a lot of rain and Im a
QuestionMy tree was hit by a car and stripped 1/4 of the bark off the bottom of the tree. Can I do anything to protect the tree or help it to heal? It didnt break the tree just stripped off bark. AnswerCut the loos
Question trunk growth?? what is this on the trunk, in many places on my 17 yr old curly willow?? it is strange and the oblong tube like bark things dry up and fall off those lumps?? is this bad and if, so, wh
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