Questiona large oak in our back yard is weeping a sap from the leaves we have lived here 13 years and not see this before is this a serious condition as we would not like to loose this tree as it is very old.
QuestionGoodmorning, Do you know if Sap from a Black Walnut Tree will DAMAGE Treated Wood? I want to build an Arbor under a Black Walnut Tree in my backyard but my husband says the Sap will damage the wood...
Oak Tree Roots Raising the Drive Way
QuestionThe Mighty Oak is between 60 to 80 feet tall and just about 3 feet from the driveway. Root growth has raised the driveway across about 15 feet from side to side. Its time to repave the driveway. Is trimmi
QuestionQUESTION: I have been told that my evergreen trees (blue spruce and frazier firs) have bag worms and need to be sprayed twice to the tune of $900 for each application. In addition to the bag worms the
Need help with our globe willow
QuestionWe have a large globe willow in our front yard which we suspect is more than 20 years old. We have read that these trees are native to the Colorado region; however we live in the high desert of Norther
QuestionWe live in Denver, co. We have a mature 40-60 foot white/scarlet ?? oak tree that appears vigorous and healthy. It has been dropping a significant # of distal tips , containing 6-8 leaves for approx 3 weeks.
QuestionQUESTION: i planted a pink flowering dogwood about 3 or 4 months ago when i first got it it had beautiful blooms and green healthy leaves. about 1 week after planting it all the blooms and leaves fell off an
QuestionWe are digging near an oak tree because we are putting in a new front entrance. This oak tree is approximately 10 feet from the house and has a diameter of 2 1/2 feet. The digging of the new entr
QuestionI have lived at my home in Northern MS going on 15-yrs there is a large Oak tree about 9ft from my front porch we are kind of on a slope (not really a hill) & over the years w/rain the roots of the tree are
QuestionHi Jim, Our church in Berwick, PA, planted Cleveland Select Pear Trees two years ago. A recent windstorm damaged one of the trees. Upon review of the remaining stump, it appears that there has been d
QuestionHelp! I have 4 large (~50-60 ft) pine trees that are ~30 yrs old. One appears to be dying. The needles are brown and dry and falling. We have noticed small holes in the bark of the tree and
Questionwe planted a tulip poplar tree last year from a part time vendor of trees and shrubs. the tree seemed to have been been wrapped in burlap about 3 or 4 feet up its trunk for some time. the bark is lifting and
QuestionQUESTION: I have a large (80ft+) black walnut tree in the back yard. Lately, large branches are breaking off, and falling. The tree is laden with foliage and green pods. However, the branches that fell from
QuestionHello, my husband is building a raised patio and needs to dig up some roots from our fruitless mulberry tree which is over 20 years old. He will have to dig roots on two sides. Can he safely do this and stil
QuestionQUESTION: Will these aphids affect the health of my maple tree or are they more of a nuisance? Also, my maple is very large, will it take a long time for treatment to work? Thank you, Tammy. ANSWER: More tt
QuestionHi I have a weeping willow tree with black bugs (beetle type) on it. Also the tree branches seem to have what looks like eggs on them. Can I do something to get read of them by spraying th
QuestionWe have about six, about sixteen-year-old aspens. Last summer and this summer, several of them have had strange holes in the bark. When we looked closer, there are bugs in them that appear to be
Potential herbicide damage on Spruce trees
QuestionI have searched the net and found that the use of certain phenoxy herbicides under spruce trees might cause curl of branch tips. What is the possibility of a spruce recovering from such damage? T
QuestionI have two poplar trees that I had planted 2-3 years ago that are about 30ish feet away from my house. After reading up on them(of course after the fact) I am reading that they are very invasive and that I s
japanese maple blood red one, germinating seeds.
QuestionI have gone on several sites,nothing is really telling me what I want to know, I have a Japanese maple and have noticed for the first time, that it is making seeds, my question is this, and its simple when i
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