QuestionI have a fruitless purple plum tree that is about 10 years old last year it started flowering and getting fruit is there any way to stop this AnswerHere is a web link to a product that if sprayed on the tre
QuestionHi! Our large (30 Ft.) Bradford Pear next to the house has just had a very large limb snap off at the trunk. The size of the limb makes up about 1/4 the size of the tree. It is still attach
QuestionJim, five years ago we had four beautiful young maple trees installed. They are each about 15 feet tall. We have had the catepillars pretty bad the last couple of years and the soil up here is very rocky and
QuestionHi Jim,A 40ft rowan tree is dead bark all around fell off tree is dead and might be dangerous.I cant afford to get it removed,I will do it myself. How should I go about it?any advice would be great. &n
Questionwe noticed some sawdust like residue on the ground under a locust tree and also a willow tree. We do not see any bugs or beetles. Is there something we can spray on the ground to kill whatever is attacking t
QuestionWhat is the scientific name of Golden Box plant? Please also provide a short description of it. AnswerThe problem with common names some plants have the same common name and are also called different names
QuestionMy mother-in-law has a 15 year old crimson king maple that was transplanted to another part of her yard in October, 2006. Her location is south central Michigan, about 50 miles north of the Indiana and
QuestionQUESTION: I planted a perfect tree around Thanksgiving. I removed all wire & twine from the trunk, leaving the burlap in the hole but unaatached to the trunk. The tree looked perfect until about
something eating japanese maple
QuestionWe have a swarm of something that is eating all the leaves on our japanese maple tree. They almost look like a worm, but they have an odd shell that they are in. They poke out and eat and wiggle,
QuestionI have several mature walnut trees in my garden. I planted a red bud tree two years ago.This year it did not blossom and has no leaves Do you think the walnut trees are the problem? The Red Bud in under the
QuestionHi, We planted 5 white pines last October each about 6ft tall. We just noticed that three of the five have black ants - a lot of ants all over them. Can you tell us if this is a problem and if so what
Pruning a mulberry tree in trouble
QuestionI have a large, producing mulberry tree in my back yard. About 5 feet up, the trunk splits into two sections. One of these sections is clearly dead (ie., no berries, no leaves, no shoots, etc.) y
Tree Roots & Sprouts Throughout Yard
QuestionWe had two large Poplar Trees cut down to a stump in our yard,our tree cutter told us to drill holes in the stump and put in copper sulfate. Well it seems that the copper sulfate did nothing, as now we
QuestionMy daughter is doing a biology report and has to identify Native New-Jersey trees within a near-by forest. She has taken leaf samples. Can you give us some Web Sites that show the leafs and identify th
QuestionWe are having a hard time understanding whats going on with our Thujas. This past May we planted four and all of them are turning brown. We hired a service to help and they are telling us that th
QuestionHi Jim. We have 2 beautiful pin oaks that my husband says hes pretty sure have bore worms. We bought bore worm mix to put on but I ran across your sight and thought Id ask you first. We live 60 m
yet another liquid amber question...sorry!
QuestionHi Jim, I think Ive read all of the questions youve answered about these trees problems. I too have one that I want gone. I dont know when our tree was planted, but its about 25 feet tall now; and I
QuestionQUESTION: I am a landscaper in Atlanta, Ga. Planted several Willow Oak trees 2-3 years ago in an irrigated area. Noticed about 10% of them are turning a bronze color. Saw no evidence of insects, but di
QuestionI recently bought two 6 River Birches to plant in/on my berm. I noticed all the birches I saw, at every location were heat stressed and losing some leaves. Each and every seller assured me that it woul
QuestionI have an Autumn Blaze Maple that has turned red and its only early summer. Will the leaves fall off soon or will the tree keep its fall color well into the fall season? The tree was just b
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