QuestionTheres a bad place, 8-10 inches round, on my crape myrtle tree that looks like a big wart. Its a beautiful, heathy looking tree. Is this something I should be treating? AnswerSounds like a bacteria ga
QuestionWill cicadas lay eggs in fruit on trees such as cherries or apples? If so, if you eat the fruit that has an egg in it, will it kill you? AnswerNo cicadas lay eggs in the woody part of twigs and limbs of the
Questionhave these trees ever been known to damage foundations or swimming pools? I have a live oak about 12 ft away from my pool edge. Everything looks good, but I do wonder about what the roots are doing..... Ans
sweetgum, water oak, and southern red oak issues
QuestionHi, My husband and I just recently built a house on a wooded lot in SC. We tried to keep as many of the trees in the backyard as we could. We have a large southern red oak, many sweetgums, and
QuestionQUESTION: I have found bag worms on 1 tree and sprayed them yesterday as I was told with insecticide. Then pruned all the discoloration branches and leaves. And for some reason the say is leaking from the ma
QuestionMy male cairn terrier peed on a small spruce which had been planted approximately 1 week prior to the incident. Now there are brown he the likely culprit, and if so, is there some type of spray I
QuestionAsh tree bug and leaf QUESTION: I have an unknown (to me) insect on my green ash tree. It does not look like pictures I have seen of the Emerald Ash borer. It is causing damage to the leaves, th
red maple trees/transplant care
QuestionWe have a friend that will has given us two red maple saplings apx 3-4 feet tall. They are currently wrapped in a burlap sack and are being kept quite moist. We would like to plant them in our ya
QuestionI have 2 Bradford Pear trees with holes bored into them. The holes are probably 1/4 inch in diameter and they are in straight rows and columns. They cover much of the visible trunk. I have
QuestionWe recently purchased a house that has a bald cypress about 20 feet from the concrete foundation. The knees are short, about 3 to 4 inches high, but the are starting to come through the flag stone pati
QuestionMy weeping birch tree has no leaves this year. I hate to get rid of the tree. Could it just be dormant? AnswerYou can see if the tree is dead or alive--start near the end of an upper branch and scrape a sma
QuestionTrunk of tree is spliting and a white substance(similar to a mushroom)is spreading up the trunk. Trunk is about six inches in diameter. What is it and can the tree be saved AnswerThis is t
Blue Spruce Top Dying or Dormant?
QuestionBlue Spruce Top Dorman QUESTION: The top of one of our blue spruce trees has gone dormant (?) this year. The tree is approximately 18 tall and 20 years old. The bottom 3/4 has all new grow
Questionwe bought a pomegranate shrub/tree last week. we planted it in primarily clay soil; some of the leaves have been turning yellow, though the tips appear to still be growing new leaves and new shoots. &n
QuestionI live in SW Virginia, and I have a large maple tree in my yard that has small white bugs that look like bits of fine white thread balled up, they drop on cars & grass, as well as drip sticky residue.
Question Willow Tree Damage I have bleed loosing large (20 ft =/-) Weeping willow trees over the past 3 years. Last year I lost one last year and now I have 3 starting this year. The sap start to run from one or mor
strange fungi on ground surface
QuestionAbout 18 months ago we had to remove a very large (7 in diameter) maple tree from our front yard. I built a mound over the stump which was cut to ground surface - and have planted an English garden the
QuestionHello. I have property in the Catskills of mixed connifers and hardwoods. It was late June when I noticed the leaves on many of the maple trees looked like they had a case of measles on the und
How to treat aphids on 12 year mature Plum Trees?
QuestionHi, We have 3 Plum trees about 12 years old. Two of these are infected with wide spread aphids. The 3rd tree appears to have contacted aphids, but to a much lesser extent. Please advice as to how these can
QuestionWe planted this plant 2 weeks ago, along with several others, and it has several places on it where the leaves are turning yellow. Some of the leaves have died. We followed all of the instruction
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