QuestionMy dad has had catawba trees in his back yard for many years. He used the worms for fish bait. About 2-3 years ago, the caterpillers stopped forming on the trees. Why could this be happenin
transplanting 30year old magnolia tree
Questioni live in Scotland and was wondering if you could tell me if it is possible to transplant a 30 year old magnolia tree? if it is when is the best time to do so and how would you do this? AnswerDeciduous may
Ribes as White Pine Blister Host
QuestionHowdy! I am trying to find out if anyone has done research to tell which Ribes are more commonly the host to white pine blister rust.(beyond the native) I want to know which are safe to sell. Our areas Limbe
QuestionHi, Im in NJ. The tree here has caterpillars all over it I dont know what kind or how to be rid of them. Thanks, Katie AnswerSpray the foliage with an insecticide called Bt. This insecticide wi
QuestionI have noticed that the bark of my maple tree, 3 yo, is splitting and there are little white worms in the trunk. What shall I do? Also, I have a Japanese lilac tree that has less leaves and did not bl
Problem with transplanted maples and river birch
QuestionQUESTION: Hi Jim, We planted several mature (between 15 and 21 feet tall) maple and birch trees; we purchased them from a nursery and installed them between last October and December (mild winter). All were
QuestionWould you please advise us whether we should cut down our 4 year old birch tree, which is located 3 feet away from the opening (cap)of my septic tank? If yes, what other tall tree/shrub we can plant at the
QuestionWe had major problems woth sewar line floods, at least twice a year, because of the roots in out pipes. We cut down the trr - is it possible that the roos are still grwoyng - as we continue to have blocked s
QuestionHello, I have a 5 year old river birch which appears very healthy, but I see ants around the base and some crawling up the tree. Should I be concerned. AnswerThey are more than likely tending the aphi
Columnar Aspen - How much to cut off top to promote growth
QuestionWe have three Columnar Swedish Aspen trees in the same general location. This year (year 3) one of the trees came back very slowly and only had growth from six feet on up. Compared to the other t
QuestionHi. We bought a purpleleaf sand cherry from HomeDepot recently. We live in central California, either zone 8 or 9. Doing some research, apparently, the purpleleaf sand cherry is for zones 3
QuestionI just planted a weeping cherry tree. I was told to water alot.the tree is in full sun, how much water per day?Thanks AnswerDepending where you are located--the general rule for newly planted trees is 1 inc
QuestionI recently planted (about 2 mos ago) a red maple. Although I wter it every day, I have noticed that the leaf color is starting to fade and in many areas turning green. In addition, a lot of the t
QuestionHi Jim I live in South Dakota. We would like to plant some white birch trees and need some advice on the best way to do that. A couple questions..... are they fast growing trees? how big is does the root sys
QuestionWe have a 20 year old white pine that is growing too close to the house,so it looks like we will have to cut it down.It has a lot of sentimental value to us. Is there any way we can start a new tree from the
QuestionHello Jim, Can you tell me if there are any american tree leaves that humans can eat? There are so many all around my area. It just makes sence that some could be for fo
QuestionQUESTION: We have a terrible, disgusting infestation of canker worms, front and back yard, in our 30 oak trees. Will the trees die as a result of this and if not what can we do to treat this and prevent this
QuestionWe lose a lot of pine trees to bark beetles here in Houston, Texas. I stubbornly planted 10 loblollies on my property and they are about 30 feet tall now and beautiful. If I use a systemic insect
QuestionHello, I recently had eight 10ft leylands put in and a nice plum tree. How often should I water these fine trees? Thanks. AnswerI would water newly planted trees about every third day with 1 inch of water--
Carpenters ants in my oak tree
Question 150 year old live oak Thank you for all of the wonderful information in your article. I recently spotted carpenter ants in my 150 yr old live oak on Topsail Island, a barrier island in North Carolina [pho
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