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Surinam Cherry Tree

QuestionI recently planted a surinam cherry tree in my backyard. I was told they love direct sunlight and I had just the right spot for it. Now the leaves seems to be wrinkling up and it looks dry and on

Are my trees getting too much water?

QuestionI have 3 maple trees in my yard. The soil is clay. All 3 got planted in October last year. 2 are Autumn Blaze and 1 is a Sunset maple. The Sunset maple looks good and up until a week ago the others looked go

Broken Maple Tree Branch

QuestionOur grandson snapped a small branch on our ~7 red maple tree. How can I fix that or should I just cut it off? AnswerNo there is not a way to fix a branch that has been broken. I would cut it off back

Red oak late budding in Ohio

Question3 years ago I planted a 2 red oak purchased from a nursery. The tree traditionaly buds very late (like end of May or early June), the leaves are small, and growth rate is low. It is usually the f

tranplanting a lacy Japanese Maple

QuestionI would like to move my 5 year old lacy Japanese Maple tree; same sun, same soil, new location in garden. The tree is about 3 feet wide and four feet tall. What should I do to help make the move

northern red oak root size

QuestionWe are constructing a building in Southern Maryland and have been instructed to install 6 Northern Red Oaks along the street edge. They are to be planted 6 feet off the curb. The street centerlin

oak disease

QuestionOak troubles QUESTION: Our two large oak trees have had for years what Ive been told is a fungus that wont kill them. Ive also been told that they are too large to be reasonably sprayed.

seeds from rose of sharon

QuestionWe have several rose of sharon trees in our yard. They throw off seedlings which take hold in the flower beds and grassy areas. Is there something we can put on the mulch to stop them from sprout

Blue Spruce Question

QuestionWe have two gigantic blue spruce in our backyard. Recently, instead of one point at the top, they have started to grow two points at the top of the tree. I think I remember someone telling me tha

Oak Trees in Springtime

QuestionWhat is the function of the long wormlike growths as the oak tree leafs out (other than messing up the porch)? AnswerThose are the oak flowers or catkins. As all flowers when they are pollinated the tree wi

Transplanting Peach Trees

QuestionI would like to move a Peach tree that had one bloom (that fell off). I live in Southeastern Oklahoma. When would be the best time of year do do this? It is about 4 feet tall. AnswerGenerally, Do not transp

Citrus tree trunk damage

QuestionLandscape crew has damaged the bark by the base of my new orange trees with weed wackers or a lawnmower. I bought plastic sleeves to cover the trunk area to prevent further damage. Do I need to a

white birch trees

QuestionI have a white birch tree that is over 20 years old. It has always been pretty all summer. Last spring, 2007, the tree was starting to bud and we had a late frost, and the top of the tree did not

American plum borer

QuestionI have a very old purple plum tree and just discovered some (what we believe to be) American Plum Borers living inside the tree. Is there any way to save the tree? Ive been to two nurseries and n

pecan tree

QuestionIn S.Central Kansas we transplanted from my cousins yard in OKC two pecan trees, around 12 years ago. They are about 18 feet tall, healthy looking, but they have not yet produced any pecans. Is there a

japanese maples

QuestionI have/had 2 dwarf-type japanese maples (1 red, 1 green). I live in Kentucky, and last April (2007) we had a hard freeze after we had some warm weather and everything bloomed and started greening, I no

Apple trees

QuestionI grew an apple tree from seeds from a Fugi apple. We planted it outside 2 years ago.....it is probably 8 feet tall now. We bought a similar tree and planted it also knowing that you needed two

cracked bark on Japanese red maple

QuestionHi Jim-My 7 year old Japanese Red Maple looks healthy this spring here in the Mid-atlantic region, but there is an area about the size of a softball at the base of the trunk where the bark appears cracked an

Spectracide Weed Stop

QuestionQUESTION: Will this product harm arborvitae trees if used in close proximity to the trees. Late 2007 we planted 23 trees on our property line using oak chip mulch for ground cover, this spring the neig

Bark Stripped from Maple Tree

QuestionI have a maple tree in my back yard - urban setting. Last year we found thin strips of bark on the ground surrounding the tree. Major branches in the upper portion of the tree were stripped bare. We thought

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