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Browning Mature Spruce

QuestionI live in SE Pennsylvania and have a 40 year old either Blue or Colorodo Spruce. The type is unclear however the boughs sweep the ground and it is conicle shaped. 50 feet. Some brown, needleless branches hav

sprouting trees everywhere!

QuestionEvery year we have what we believe are tiny trees that spring up everywhere. They start with 2 oval shaped leaves with the stem being somewhat tough and a long straight root. We know they sprout from t

oak tree hollow inside

Question oak tree 1 We are concerned about an oak tree in our back yard. We love our trees, but this one is completely hollow inside. There is a crack or opening on one side and when you peer inside, you

Growth on red oak tree

QuestionI have a red oak tree, approx. 20 ft high in North Texas. It has rounded (sort of like a walnut shell) growths attached to leaves and stems that range from tiny and greenish in color to ping pong ball

Transplanting Citrus Trees

QuestionI am a first-time homeowner from Phoenix. I have a small orange tree thats planted in a part of my yard so that it only gets sunshine on one side. I get tons of oranges on the sunny side, and one

Royal Empress Trees for Virginia?

QuestionIm looking for a deer resistant, extremely fast growing tree (without alot of disease liabilities) to plant along my driveway in Virginia. I am considering a Royal Empress Tree (paulowina), and I wanted to g

Dappled Nishiki Willow Shrub

QuestionShould I be concerned about this shrubs roots potentially affecting sewer and water pipes as with willow tree roots? Or is it not an issue because its a shrub? AnswerIt should not be a problem with this tre

Life span of an aborvitae

QuestionWe have lived in our home for 24 years. There are 4 arborvitae trees that are a western wind break. These trees were full grown when we moved in. They are are about forty feet tall. During spring clean up I

willow oak

QuestionQUESTION: I recently transplanted a willow oak that is about 15 feet tall and the base is about the size of a baseball. The tree is leafing out nicely. However, the top has forked out. I cannot t

webworms on Honeylocust Tree

QuestionWe have a Sunburst Honeylocust Tree located in our back yard. We purchased this house about 6 years ago, and I would estimate that the tree was about 3-4 years old then. We noticed that the past

Building a ring around a large tree

QuestionI have built a ring around my very large soft maple tree and when I asked to have dirt brought in around it I was told it would kill the tree. The timbers are about 6-7 timbers high and the tree is ver


QuestionAll the information I read tells me lichens are harmless but when my trees didnt havelichens they seeme healthy now that lichens have started growing on them they apear to be getting weaker and sicklier. Is

Thuja trees..

QuestionWhen planting 3 Thuja trees, can I use 13-7-7 Tree and Shrub fertilizer and should I use Composted Mulch mixed in the backfill or just on top? AnswerI would not use any fertilizer for the first year. This w

tree disease

QuestionHi, I have 4 quaking aspen that we have built a treehouse on. I think that they might have a disease. Over the past few years branches have been dieing off from the ground up. There is also a thick orange fl

Saucer Magnolia Tree

QuestionI have been wanting to buy Saucer Magnolia Tree for my yard and I wondered about my Neighbors 3 Walnuts Tree that are lined up on my side of the yard and if The Saucer Magnolia tree will strive close b

my plum tree is not blooming --no buds

QuestionQUESTION: It is May 8th and my plum tree still is not showing buds! Why? It has been quite a wet winter and spring so far and my sump pump deposits its rain water at its base. can that hurt my plum tree? AN

Distressed Hemlock Trees

QuestionI have 5 hemlock trees they suffered severe winter burn this year. I also treated them with Bayer tree and shrub due to the possibility of insect damage. I hate to admit it but I may have made th

Live Oak Tree wood borers

QuestionWe have a live oak tree that has rings of holes through the bark from ground level to about 10 high It appears that the holes only go through the bark. It looks like some kind of wood boring b

food for magnolia

QuestionI guess at first I need to find out what type of tree I have and I do not know the difference. Its a huge tree but never really blossoms and it drops alot of leaves every day AnswerWhen it comes time to fer

new leyland cyprus turning brown

Questionwe planted 85, 3 tall leyland cyprus about 3 weeks ago in eastern TN. The trees where planted in good top soil and covered with mulch and we have had a good steady rain at least one day/wk. Tempe

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