QuestionI am attempting to grow an African baobab tree (Adansonia digitata) in Athens, GA. (I realize that this is extremely impractical.) Im planning to try to use a mirror(s) to redirect light to the t
QuestionMystery Leaf QUESTION: Hi There, Can you tell me what kind of tree I have by identifying the attached picture? From what I gather, it may be a broadleaf, smooth/serrate margin... something or other :)
QuestionA few years back I staked our dogwood to straighten it upright. Yesterday i noticed the rubber hose in the vee of the tree had started to grow into the tree. It took a good tug but we finally removed it alon
Questioni have some tree stumps and want to prevent bugs infesting them. i had heard about a solution of half mouthwash and half of another liquid. it is suppose to keep out bugs & disease from the stump and seal it
QuestionI bought a blue carpet juniper recentlt. It is more like a tree however, rather than ground cover. It is 2 feet high and about 3 feet wide. It is similar in appearance to a spruce on a stick but weepier. How
QuestionI am looking to buy some land and it has a lot of pine trees on it, and a friend said I might could have them cut into lumber to use when I build a house. Is this true and if so can you steer me i the right
QuestionQUESTION: Jim, Im not sure if I picked the right category, but you might provide all the info I need. We have 2 Steed Holly plants in their original plastic pots, and theyve been outdoors for the past
Question04.22.2008-We have 2-1 year old Shamel ashes that need to be moved/transplanted. Is it too late in the year to do this? What would you recommend doing to give them the best chance post-transfer?
Question Maple Tree Seeds Hi Jim, how can I make sure that my Silver Maple Seeds will germinate? Thank You. AnswerThey first have to be stratified. Essentially, you break the wings off the seeds, put them in a jar
QuestionWill Pine Bark Mulch hurt my weeping cherry tree? I was not sure if the acid over time would harm it. Thanks!!!!! AnswerIt will not harm the tree but will help in retaining moisture. The bark will not add a
QuestionHow and when do you prune? We have a 1 year old shamel that is about 12 tall and extremely top heavy. It has three lone branches at its middle. Should these three low branches be pruned off
moving a japanese lace leaf maple
QuestionMy tree is about twenty years old and while I trim it each year, it has outgrown its location by the pool and is practically in the pool. I must move it about four feet. Any tips would be helpful as I could
QuestionI have a pine tree that is has some new inhabitants..they appear to be spiked worms that have attached themselves to the limbs and wrapped themselves around...any idea what they may be? and how to get rid of
QuestionI love the colors of the liquid amber. I would like to plant some of them about 30 feet away from my home in Big Bear California. the elevation is about 8500 feet. Will the trees survive the winter? I
Questionwe have a beautiful old oak tree in our front yard and we do not want to lose it!!! Some of the branches are dying and the leaves are starting to look unhealthy. Can you suggest a food that might
Questionhello jim, 2 weeks ago i purchased a 4ft acer with red leaves and already the leaves are going brown and shriveling up,i watered it every third day to start then the last 3 days since its been going brown,it
fruitless mulberry trees and web worm infestation
QuestionQUESTION: We live in Central Texas (near Dallas) and last year we had 3 cycles of web worms in our fruitless mulberry tree. Today (Apr. 25th) we noticed that this is beginning again - this is much earlier th
QuestionI am looking for a tree to replace a sugar maple in my front yard that fell over during a recent storm. What would you recommend in a tree that is a) deer resistant, b) sturdy, c) not something big and
QuestionI have been told that dwarf peach trees will not grown in Blair County located in south central PA. If so what is a good preach tree Thanks Diana AnswerHere are the peach species that Penn State U. re
QuestionI want to move a cottonwood tree that is greater than six feet in diameter at its trunk. Are you laughing at me? Cause this sounds funny to me too. Just wondering if it is possible and what the odds are that
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