QuestionThis fall we had a 5 inch Texas Red Oak planted in our front yard. It has started leafing out and has numberous small apples on it. The apples are anywhere from marble to larger than a golf ball
QuestionWe have 3 holly plants, 1 male and 2 females, planted in our North Central Wisconsin yard. The soil is rather sandy with a rather rocky granite base. White Pines and Birch trees are the natives of the area.
QuestionI have a 6 tall evergreen tree i want to remove. I used a circular saw to cut down the branches. Right now it is about 2 high & i tried to dig the remaining part out. I am getting nowhere because the roots l
QuestionQUESTION: I would like to know the name of a flowering plum that grows no higher than 10 feet, has deep wine leaves and grows in my area (Clackamas, Oregon). I had one in Seattle and I believe the flow
Flowering Sweet Gum gone crazy
QuestionMy name is Rich and I live in the Philadelphia suburbs. I have a 25-30 year old sweet gum that flowers thousands of those dreaded gum balls every spring, fall and every other day. They ruin my grass. The tre
QuestionI am finding many holes in elm trees on our new property. They seem to go straight in from anywhere on the bark ranging from the size of a pinhead up to 3/16 or so. One tree seems to be dead - it
QuestionQUESTION: Ive been outside assessing my winter damage and I have noticed that half of my Redbud tree is dead. Only half of it is starting to bud. Is this normal and what can I do because I dont want to loose
QuestionI have a Japanese Maple in my front flower bed. I am wondering if I can trim the top. As in keep it only so high but trinning off the top of the taller branches. AnswerMajor pruning should be do
QuestionAre Paulownia trees a good shade tree for use in Albuquerque New Mexico. I understand that they grow very fast AnswerIf you want shade fast this tree will grow very fast and tall quickly. Royal Paulownia is
QuestionI bought a red oak last fall. I didnt think to wrap the thin trunk and the squirrels have damaged it, scraping off the bark with their teeth. Im wondering if there is something I can do to help i
QuestionIt has double lobed leaves and large magenta flowers on all the limbs. I thought it was doing very well this year, but the leaves have turned yellow again. So, Im beginning to think that after six years, I s
QuestionHow do I thin out maple tree in the back corner of my property, that is over 50 ft tall and two sets are grown together? I am loosing my grass for the third time and I do water & fertilizers when neces
Oak tree drip line and new concrete slab
QuestionI have a western black oak in Oregon, that is about 100 + years old and am building a concrete slab about 10 from the trunk. I have heard that as a mitigation measure to preserve should lay some p
QuestionI planted a Willow last fall and trimmed a larger branch near the base of the trunk. The trunk below that spot has been wet ever since. Do I need to seal the cut somehow? Thanks! AnswerWillow
QuestionI planted some red wood trees (3) about three years ago. They appear to be doing fine and are about 10 to 12 feet tall. I have heard you should cut the limbs off the bottom to make them grow tall
QuestionI have a Shamel ash that we have grown from a tiny one gallon plant. It is now four years old. I guess it was getting watered really well because it was growing like crazy and we just kept pruning it back. W
QuestionA mature maple tree in our yard started losing sheets of bark last fall and continues to do so. I dont see any insects or rot underneath but am worried the tree is dying. What is going on? Answe
Questioni just bought 30 thuja occidentalis need some advise how to plant/fertilize/and maintain these evergreen trees? thanks sue..... AnswerDig the holes twice the size of the root ball an
QuestionWe just finished having our house built in early March. There are several nice large oak trees in the front yard. When the house was first being built in late fall, the builder took the scrap fra
QuestionThere are trees in my far back yard with vines hanging like the ones that Tarzan used to swing on. Today I pulled one and liquid started falling out like water and continued. It was just like a faucet. I wen
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