QuestionIve heard that ivy planted under pine trees and allowed to climb into the trees will eventually cause the tree to die. Could you please verify that or is that a misconception? AnswerEnglish ivy as well as o
QuestionJim, I am looking for the name of a rapidly growing tree. Currently it is planted along a golf course b/c its rapidly growing and provides a good sound/visual barrier. The golf course superintend
QuestionWhile living in California, I planted and thoroughly enjoyed my fruitless Mulberry. I am now in central Maine (Casco) and no one hear has heard of these trees. Can they grow here? I would l
QuestionCan I digg up my blooming pear tree? Its about 15 feet tall. AnswerDeciduous plants like Bradford pear may be moved in the spring as soon as the frost is out of the ground, up until the time when new foliag
QuestionOur neighbor has a river birch between our houses. Last weekend we were clearing our side to update our landscaping. We dug up quite a few roots and cut them. We are now seeing water poolin
QuestionI have a 4 year old globe willow that is so far only blooming on the bottom of the trunk, where is have pruned. not one of the branches have started blooming yet. i also have a smaller G W and it is fully bl
QuestionI have 4 ash trees growing in my backyard ( not sure what the name is called but leaves are large upright) I do know they are ash. 3 of them are about 6 feet from the house and they are about 20 ft tall. I n
what should i do with my weeping cherry?
Questioni was given a weeping cherry tree, late last summer,all the leaves were brown but it was not dead ,we planted it,but now it looks dead and i dont know if i should prune back the branches or if there is
Disease in Colorado Blue Spruce trees
QuestionQUESTION: Hi, I would really appreciate some feedback to help us decide what to do. We have a whopping 22 (30-40 yr old) Colo. Blue Spruce trees on our property. 2 years ago, we noticed severe ne
QuestionI am a Forester and an Arborist. I recently had a fellow Arborist ask me about red bark on a pine tree, he didnt know what kind it was but I am assuming a loblolly since we are in GA. His assumpt
insect damaging bark on Acer Rubrum Red Sunset
Question maplebug Here in Mid-Michigan, I have a third year transplant about 3 in diameter. Last fall I noticed some cracking in the bark. Upon further inspection this spring, I find the bark damage is
QuestionQUESTION: Would it be safe to plant a river birch tree within 3-6 feet of my asphalt driveway and my houses foundation? Thanks! ANSWER: As far as the root system the root may not give you problems with the
QuestionHi Jim, I have a pink dogwood thats 13 years old and has never bloomed. Its also not very big. I read your suggestion to lots of water and acidic fertilizer and Im going to try that this year. Is there anyt
QuestionQUESTION: Is it true that this particular tree will attract Japanese beetles? ANSWER: No it will not attract Japanese beetles but the beetles do like this tree and many other the best. More than 400 plant s
Questionwhen is the best time to cut down an ash or walnut tree so the stump/roots continue to grow AnswerThe early spring is when the root systems have the most stored food and will be able to product the new spro
QuestionHello, When is the best time to transplant sugar maple or white birch? I am in a zone 4-5 area, New Brunswick Canada, (north of Maine). Snow is usually on the ground until mid-late april. Thank you. Answe
bark beetles in coast redwoods
QuestionQUESTION: Bayer Advanced (a liquid pesticide) has been recommended for treatment of bark beetles in my two coast redwoods which have been in my front yard for 28 years and stand 75 tall. Do you think B
QuestionI live in Michigan and I want to purchase Thujas trees for privacy. The soil on our property is sandy. Will the trees still grow and live as stated on the internet? AnswerYes you should have little problem
QuestionHi Jim,, i live in a 4 year old home, we had chosen a live oak just off the side of our home about 8 feet from house, by driveway, it is the side where our utilities are as well, now i am feeling concerned t
QuestionHello, We live in a new development, formerly wetlands, and the builder seems to have tried salvaging as many trees as possible on our property. I have two trees (maples), in particular, relatively cl
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