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fruit trees

Question I live in central NewHampshire and would like to plant fruit trees on my property.I would like to know what species would do well hear. Temps go from below zero up to over 100.F Also my soil is rocky

oak and cedar trees

Question Cedar Tree Placement Jim, Thank you so much for taking the time to be on this panel of experts! My issue is not dire, but we sure would like to know. We live in Austin, Texas and as is so common here, we ha

TX Mountain Laurel follow-up

QuestionQUESTION: Yesterday I sent a question re; TX mountain laurels and pinon trees. All that came back was But I am not an expert in this area or something like that. Was there more to the answer that

regrowing trees

Questionsome idiot cut down to stumps bushes and trees that had been in my family for years - I do I make sure they regrow AnswerThe hardwood plants should re sprout from the stumps. This will vary by species and

oak tree suckers on trunk

QuestionWe have an oak with ~30 ft of trunk before branching off and up, way up, 3 ft diameter base. It has suckers coming out the sides of the tree up the trunk, not out of the base or ground. Are these

Very Large Hackberry near house

Question Nashville Hackberry We live in Nashville, TN and have a massive Hackberry (at least 75 feet tall and estimated at 100+ years old) about 15 feet from our house, which we have just remodeled. Ive had a

Oak tree repair

Question Oak tree split trunk During a recent storm, I lost one of four large limbs on a very large oak tree. This limb measured over 10?in diameter, and split the trunk of the tree down to the ground. Is this tree

Construction near oak tree

QuestionWe have gotten mixed opinions on whether to cut down an oak tree near our building site. We have around a 150 year old white oak tree, we are building a slab on grade with the corner of the house footi

save my trees

QuestionOur horses have chewed the bark off our ceder trees. Is there any thing i can do to save them. Thanksllen.heiler AnswerThe best solution to the problem of horses eating the bark off of your trees is to fenc

dead grass under maple tree

QuestionI have a large maple tree, I do not know the species, in my front yard that I can not grow grass under. The grass started dying in small areas and now has expanded to an area about 20 feet in diameter.

Tree problem

QuestionI have light green something (maybe lichen) growing on an orange tree. I understand that it may be killing my tree. What can I use to kill it or should I? AnswerLichens can be signs of a tree in

Live Oak & Bradford Fruitless Pear

QuestionLive Oak QUESTION: On my 7 year old LIVE OAK trees they have a small hole all the way around the bark this is in several place an on several limbs(looks like a wood pecker did it) but, neighbors say i

colorado bule spruce


Weeping Willows

QuestionI have three weeping willows near Sacramento , Ca. I have water going directly to each tree. They are about 9 years old. They look puny & several branches have died. I broke off a bra

Our Beautiful Ash Tree

QuestionWe have a large ash tree in our backyard here in SLC, UT. The diameter is about 3 ft. We love it! Anyhow, we are tearing down our house and rebuilding on the same land and do not want to lo

Hackberry trees

QuestionWe have hackberry trees in our shelter belt that were pruned today. (central SD) The trees are 5 years old. I notice numberous cuts that are flush cuts, and am quite worried about them. &nb

river birch tree damage

Questionsap runs from limbs that were broken due to ice will it stop getting all over car AnswerThis is normal for river birch. They produce a large amount of sap during the spring and if there is a wound the sap w

Yoshino shidare no blooms

QuestionHi there Jim - I bought my weeping cherry tree 3 years ago from Wayside Gardens. It is supposed to grow to at least 20 ft., so far it has maybe grown 1 ft. - the weepers though have grown almost to the curb.

Oak Tree - not budding out

QuestionAll the oak trees in our area have budded out for a few weeks now. We have a 4 diameter laurel oak that was plant 1 yr ago in full sun. Was beautiful and full of leafs. Had a cold day (1) i

Oak tree dropping

QuestionHi, We bought a house recently with 2 large oak trees(I dont know the type of oak but the bark has red color inside) in the front yard and 2 large oak trees in the back yard. The back yard trees appear large

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