QuestionQUESTION: Hello Jim, I have a 2-story house in back of me which sees everything I do in my yard. I want to plant a few pines for privacy. Is there a pine I can plant next to the fence wher
Questioni have just been bought a lemon tree please advise me how to look after it , where it would survive best (indoors or out etc ) yours gratefully sharrone AnswerIf y
Question live oak root damage n my neighbors live oak roots buckled up my concrete drive way, the tree is 11 south of my drive way, if we take up the concrete with bobcat will it kill their tree? can I r
QuestionI have a manitoba maple in my back yard and it has grown too big (shades my whole back yard) and it also spits black stuff all over my deck. I would really like to cut it back about 15 feet. When
QuestionI have two puppies who tore into my Japanese Maple pretty badly this winter. The bark is damaged with tooth marks and in some places, whole branches have been gnawed off. I do notice buds set on some r
Questionhow long do cyprus trees live AnswerThe Cupressaceae or cypress family is a conifer family with worldwide distribution. The family includes 27 to 30 genera (17 monotypic) with about 130-140 species. http://
QuestionHello Jim, I live in southern California. I have a ornamental plum tree that has died. the tree started getting deep cracks in the main limbs. I thought the cause could be a broken water pipe, but whe
QuestionMy trees are dropping small branches through out the winter. What would cause my trees to lose very small branches? AnswerCheck the branches and if they seem to be cut off clean then this is a twig gi
QuestionI have a very large oak tree right next to my house Portland Oregon. It really needs to be pruned. If there is any sort of strong wind it drops pretty big branches. We had an estimate to get it p
QuestionHow do I responsibly halt the proliferation of pine tree growth in a forested area of beautiful hardwoods? The pines have taken root on an open bank of land, along with lots of weeds and briars, the
QuestionI have three Boulevard Cyprus tress planted on a parking strip that have gotten to be too wide. They are only about 6 or 7 feet tall. I have to get them more narrow or get rid of them. I st
Healthy Maple with Woodpecker Holes
QuestionWe have a beautiful large silver maple in our yard. We have had it carefully pruned to remove some limbs. Where one large limb was removed, a hole developed that is gradually growing closed. Below the ho
colorado blue spruce pine trees
QuestionI have some pine trees 10-12 tall, that were transplanted 6-8 months ago. Their appearance is somewhat yellowish compared to when they were planted. The area is high desert northern Nevada.  
QuestionSir: I have a home in Coastal North Carolina. I also own property in (lot) in Carova North Carolina. The property is blessed with hundreds of live oaks young and old. I would like to transplant several to my
QuestionWe live in Massachusetts, and 37 years ago we planted our blue spruce Christmas tree way to close to the house, not realizing how big it would get. It has to be 20 feet wide at the base, and we are loo
QuestionMy bradford pears roots are growing into my water line so I had to take it down. My question now is, how do I kill the roots so they dont continue to grow into my water line? AnswerThey will resprout
QuestionI live in a planned community in Stuart Florida. Live Oaks are adjacent to the cement sidewalk through out the community. The sidewalk slabs adjacent to some of the Live Oaks have started to elevate du
QuestionI have two magnolia trees in the front yard of my Dallas home. One is growing well over the last five years that I have lived there. The other has not grown much at all. I think it was not
QuestionSaratoga Springs, NY here! Bordering the back of my house, approximately 25 ft due west, there is a row of red pines that were an apparent hedge row between farm crops at one time. This is now a
QuestionThose pesty spiked balls that fall. Is there a one type treatment that will forever eliminate these pests from hell. Or will I have to do an annual treatment? If so they are history in my book. Love the colo
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