QuestionPlanted blue spruce trees in November 1. Watered trees daily until frost and snow arrived. Trees look healthy. When will we actually know these trees survived. We planted 30 of them a
QuestionThe blue atlas cedars , subalpine spruces , and norwegion pines have been devoured by mule deer from the 5 foot level and below. The branches appear intact, but the needles have been eaten.  
QuestionWe recently built a house on a wooded lot. We had to do some clearing. We have a pine tree on the back side of the lot away from the house that is losing its bark. The needles have turned brown as well. How
QuestionI have a large liquid amber tree growing in the back yard. I recently noticed that some of the leaves have been curled up and joined together. They almost look like a sack or cocoon. Do you know what causes
QuestionWe live on 15 acres in Lake City, Florida (north Florida) and have an abundance of spanish moss. One tree in particular we would like to save is a Silver Maple Tree. It has a lot of spanish moss
QuestionMy mother gave many pieces of her plum trees to friends. She claimed she just cut a branch and put it in the ground. This sounds too easy to me. Now a cousin wants a cutting from my tree. C
trying to save a bradford pear tree
QuestionWe have a beautiful Bradford pear tree in our front yard. Due to a current ice storm we have lost part of this tree. I am truly devastated because it was our only since of privacy in our subdivision. A large
Question tree2 WILL HEAVY PRUNING OF THE TREE SLOW THE ROOT GROWTH OR ACCELERATE THE ROOT GROWTH? AnswerHeavy pruning will slow the root growth. BUt if you are thinking to prune the tree to stop or slow the roots
QuestionI have purchased 2 Florida King peach trees and for 3 years they have developed small white fungus type spots all over the tree and now their new branches are black. I can wipe off the black, and there
transplanting a bradford pear tree about 10 years old
QuestionHow do I go about transplanting this bradford pear tree from one place to another? This tree is about 10 years old and I want to plant it back where my husband cut down another tree that was about 10 years o
QuestionHi, thank you for your answer on the Bradford pear. What if I want to transplant a White pine in the place of the other Bradford pear that was cut down. How would I go about that and what do I need to do to
QuestionI planted several live oak trees about two years ago, they are 12 to 16 feet tall now. Most seem to be doing good, but several seem to have started dying from the top down. The topmost branches lose their le
QuestionHow long does it take most pine needles to brown after they have already fell off the tree? AnswerMost pine needles are brown before they fall from the tree. Sometimes green needles do fall from usually a s
QuestionIve always wanted to plant Thuga Green Giant for a privacy hedge. Now that we live in Wichita, KS where houses are very close together and our yard has a sprinkler system, I wonder how these trees woul
QuestionI was told after placing walnuts in the fridge for 90 days, I should drop them in boiling water or take a file to the shell to try and split it to help with the germination. I was also wandering, I have ches
my magnolia tree had a hole in it
QuestionI have a tree in the front yard that has a hole on the trunk where all the branches go from. It has been there since we moved in 13 years ago. The truck has water in it about 2-3 ft deep from rain. Should
QuestionHi - we have several very small (3-6 in) to 2 ft tall pine and juniper trees on our Sedona AZ property that we would like to move. Also have a live Christmas tree too from this past Christmas that is potted
planting a fruitless mulberry tree
QuestionLos Angeles - How far from my home should I plant a Fruitless Mulberry tree. Is 15 feet far enough.? AnswerFruitless mulberries have a crown spread at maturity of about 30 feet so 15 feet from your ho
QuestionHi Jim, Several years ago I planted a purple ash and now I am hearing that ash borer is making its way to my area. Is there any way I can protect my tree? Im thinking of planting another shade tr
Bradford Pear Odor - North Central Texas
QuestionCan the roots of the Bradford Pear generate the same smell as the blossoms times 100. Late last summer a high wind toppled over a 20 year old Bradford in our front yard. A stump remains along with an e
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