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Transplant Live Oak

QuestionI live in Dallas, TX. Clay soil. I have a Live Oak I need to move. It is about 11 ft. tall and about 2-1/2 diameter. When is the best time of year to transplant & how is the best way to do it? AnswerDecid


QuestionHow do I start a eucaliptus tree from a seed ?? AnswerTake the seed from the seed pods and put them in a plastic bags with a damp paper towel. Place this bag with the seed in the refrigerator until spring.

Incense Cedars

QuestionI have 4 70 Incense Cedar trees that I am going to have removed. The man is charging me $500 and the wood to take the trees down. Is there value in these trees? Or is $500 reasonable? Answ

wood borers

QuestionQUESTION: HiJim: We chatted prior to Thanksgiving. My problem you determined was wood borers and a fungi, you recommended Merit to treat the insect problem. I found a bottle of liquid Merit by Bayer(

freeze provention

Question TWO PART QUESTION; 1. What is the best way to prevent large shrubs small trees from freezing? &n

Bradford Pear dormant winter care

QuestionI received a Bradford Pear tree about 4 feet tall. It is unplanted and appears to be dormant. I want to know how to care for it through the winter and when to plant it in the state of MO. I

freeze protect recently planted Shamel and Hong Kong?

Questionwere due for a freeze this weekend. I planted 24 box trees, 2 shamel ash and a Hong Kong Orchid. Theyve been in the ground for about 6 weeks now. Should I cover them or do anything to protect from freeze? A

Shamel Ash Trees

QuestionQUESTION: I have Shamel Ash Trees in my yard and am having trouble keeping the lawn green. I understand that the shade may effect the lawn growth, especially bermuda, but someone told me that the Ash secreet

Are cedar trees bad for hardwoods?

QuestionI understand that cedar trees are bad for fruit trees, especially apples. I have a 5 acre lot, zone 7, central north carolina. Hardwoods are oak and hickory and none are doing well, at least 25% dead or dyin

Bradford Pear Trees - Holes in Bark

Question Tree 1 Hi Jim, Ive read several of your comments regarding holes in Bradford Pear Trees. We have a bed and breakfast (http://www.bbonline.com/al/thesecret) hand have lined our drive with BPTs. &

Live Oak 20 ft to 25 ft Tall

QuestionWe have a young (Quercus virginiana) live oak about 15 to 20 feet from our house foundation that, is about 20 to 25 feet tall.Will the roots damage our house foundation? We reside in Gonzales,Louisiana. We a

Planting a Curly Willow Tree

QuestionHow Far should this tree be planted from my house, so that i wont experience root problems with the cement foundation and the slab flooring Answerwillow roots do not generally cause problems with the founda

weeping mulberry care

QuestionI have a weeping mulberry that I planted about three years ago. When Katrina hit in 2005, it got pushed over by the winds, so we transplanted it to another, more well-drained area of the yard. It has n

zone movement question

Questioni am building a house in north Carolina in the zone 8 section, and i wanted to plant paper birch, Betula papyrifera, trees. i was curious to know if they will survive or not? Answerpaper birch will have pro

transplanting from overgrown nursery

QuestionI am looking to transplant grand fir trees that have spent more time than intended in the nursery they are now 3 to 4 feet tall and planted less than a foot apart. Should I thin them and root prune? A

Spanish moss management

QuestionI live on the west coast of north central Fl. I have nothing against the Spanish moss, it is however out of control on some of my trees. Growing in huge clumps it gets wet and breaks off the lowe

oak tree growth

Question tree growth I was hoping you could help me identify this growth/bark deformity. The entire tree is covered in them so I was thinking that it may be caused by some type of infection. I have no ex

Prunning Japanese Green Maple

QuestionI have a 2 year old green maple. What do you look for when pruning? Is there a particular form the tree should have? We live in Alabama. AnswerI would not recommend that a tree this small

roots of shamel ash

QuestionWe would like to plant a shamel ash but are afraid of the roots. We want to plant it about 6 ft. from the house, 5ft. from the driveway and 10 ft. from the sidewalk. Is this a safe distance? &nbs

feeding native trees in hillcountry ?

QuestionHello: I live west of Dripping Springs. I have ten acres of scattered juniper, live oak and spanish oak. Some of them are in the creek bottom land and do okay, but others are struggling on

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