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disease in birch trees

QuestionWe have a 3 year old silver birch in our garden which is clay soil. The tree has done really well -until last week! We woke up one morning to find a black discolouration on the gravel under the tree, extendi

Flowering Pear

QuestionWe bought a flowering pear and did not get it into the ground as soon as wed like. I think it needed more water than we gave it before it actually got planted. The leaves appear to be dead (excep

Water Oak Tree Roots

QuestionWhat will happen if you take a chain saw to one of the running roots off a water oak? Is there a tap root and this will not affect the tree? Or will the tree die? AnswerIf you cut only one of th

Bald cypress tree

QuestionWw planted a bald cypress ten years ago. It is about 35 feet tall an ten inches in diameter at the base. The knees and or roots are visable above the ground all over our yard, mostly haven been mowed d

oak tree,white worms location Connecticut

QuestionQUESTION: Hello: Thank You for your service! My neighbors Oak tree is effected in the location of a once removed limb. The tree has over grown my property line. I am terrified that the destruction mad

Live oak has white sticky substance killing leaves

QuestionQUESTION: I have several Live oaks with white sticky substance killing leaves. (3 years old) I live in Houston TX, I dont know if it is disease or insect related. Worried I could lose the t

BUGS on My Mimosa

QuestionI have a mimosa that I grew from a seed, it is 2 years old,this year it got a little cold (I live in Hernando County Florida) by the water. I brought my mimosa in and I noticed the floor had sticky sap on it

planting Magnolia tree seeds

QuestionHi Mr. Hyland, I live here in Charleston, SC and I just got a handful of Magnolia seeds from a tree here. How long should I let the seeds sit before planting them? The seeds are soft from the ones I got yest

Ash Tree borer

QuestionWe live in Idaho and have discovered borers in our Ash tree. Is there anything that can be done to save the tree? Is fall a good time to try and save it? The tree hasnt shown signs of dyein

Douglas Fir Root Pruning

Question img_0038 Hi there, I am in the process of digging out a parking spot on my 30 degree sloped property. There is an approximately 200 ft tall douglas fir tree (approximately 4 ft around) about 4 feet aw

coast redwood burned in California wildfire

QuestionDear Jim, We have a beautiful Coast Redwood that burned in the firestorm in San Diego last month. It was probably planted in 1975. It is too close to our house, but I still want to try to save it. A tree t

I have a couple of 2 year old weeping willows and would like to know how to trim them.

QuestionHow do I trim 2 year old weeping willows? AnswerThere is no need to prune (trim) a 2 year old willow. Let it grow. I would not think about any pruning until the tree gets much older and larger. Then only if

Browning of trees

QuestionHi, I planted 19 emerald cedar trees this spring they did fine all summer, now the center of all of them have turned brown,the outter branches are still green. Is this normal? Should I remove the brown branc

White floss on Oak leaves

QuestionI have several oaks, Sand live oak (Quercus geminata) perhaps. I have noticed a lot of pure white, flossy material on the cupped underside of the leaves and in small spaces where twigs leave the trun

Tree stump planting

QuestionQUESTION: Hi. My 36 Norway Maple was in major decline and had to be removed. It was in a tricky tight area, against a fence and in a row of 6 tall boxwood. The tree was ground down about 8-12 as best as poss

maple tree in houston - zone 9

Question red maple leaves Hi, I love to have a foliage tree thats why Ive been looking for red maple but I dont see many of them change color. However, I did see a couple which actually turn orage/red in the s

Thuja trees versus Leyland trees

QuestionWe are looking to put a privacy tree between our house and our neighbors house. We have 12 feet between houses. We live in North Carolina. Our neighbors house sits about three feet above ou

old oak tree

QuestionThe neighbors 30+ old oak tree is growing over the boundry line into my yard and over my house. It is probably only 15 - 20 ft from my house, and the water and gas lines run through the space between m

norfolk pine too big for house

QuestionMy Mothers Norfolk Pine is too tall (5) for the stand it sits on and she does not want it on the floor. My Dad wants to plant it outside (in northest PA) next spring. Will it survive as a tree in this climat

Dry Rot on Maple Trees

QuestionWe bought our first house about five years ago, and we had a couple of maple trees that were approximately 7-8 years old on one side of the house. A year or two after we moved in, I noticed that both o

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