QuestionI have a science project and I need help identifing tree leaves, please send pictures or descriptions.thank you!! AnswerHere are a couple of web sites that can be used to ID a tree leaf. A lot depends on th
Questioncan a weeping cherry be planted near a house? AnswerYou will want to remember that this tree will end up with a circumference of anywhere between 20 ?40 feet. So plan accordingly. When planting trees
Determination if a tree is dead
QuestionI have birch tree about eight inches in diameter in my front yard. The leaves have already fallen off and I would like to know how to determine if the tree is alive or dead. AnswerTo tell if a tree is still
Replanting where a tree has been removed
QuestionMy 45 tall pear tree has been damaged by strong winds and must now be removed. How long after grinding out the stump can I replant in the same space? A tree is imperative for shade on my Southern California
QuestionI am in the Baltimore, MD suburbs. I have a very large old Magnolia tree in my front yard. It is easily 35-40 years old. Yesterday morning it was hit by a car and 2 sections of bark were stripped off. These
QuestionIsnt Roundup highly toxic? Is it possible for you to recommend more enviromentally and people friendly ways to deal with weeds, saplings, etc.? A little manual labor in the garden is a great re
Possible Water Drain Damage due to Roots
QuestionWe have three large pine trees about eight feet from where the houses main drain runs. There are also large maples along the city line. I am wondering which would be the culprits in having caused
QuestionI live in Tampa and have a 15ft Southern (I think) oak that has pea-sized seed type attachments to the under side of almost every leaf. Mamy of the 2 inch skinny leaves have 6-8 of these and the leaves are b
QuestionI live at the Lake of the Ozarks in Missouri. We have a tree the people around here call Juniper-Cedar. This Tree has blue juniper berries, but when it is cut down the center of the trunk is cedar. &n
QuestionWill mimosa wood pop like pine when being burned in a fireplace? Will it a residue in the chimney stack? Is it OK to burn mimosa wood in a fireplace? I saw where you said it was OK to burn this type wood in
QuestionOur live oak trees were purchased and spaded in two years ago but came with significant lichens covering the bark. They are very thick and there are several kinds. Will this hurt the live oak trees? It seems
Question Oak tree leaves with s I saw your answer about oak leaf galls but I am not sure if I have the same thing. Attached is picture of several leaves, set on a blue vehicle hood. Ive owned this proper
QuestionWe have a tree now we meed the wroms do you have any idea where we might buy them. Mary AnswerTHE CATALPA SPHINX1 is a common hawk or sphinx moth, (Photo 1) but it is the caterpillar stage, (Photo 2),
QuestionWebbing on Red Oak QUESTION: We have found what we now believe to be bark lice on a Red Oak tree. The tree is located in Warrenville, IL. This is a suburb west of Chicago. We have an orange, powdery s
Needles on Green Giants turning brown from trunk of tree outward
QuestionQUESTION: I live in the piedmont region of North Carolina and have planted 12 Green Giants approximately 8ft. apart. They were planted in February of 2007. We have had exceptional drought this summer and I w
QuestionI am reading on here, and I have some 1 year old fruitless plum trees. I am also in Texas so we went through heavy rain this year, then drought again. My plums have been oozing sap lately and I b
transplant a maple tree, how and when?
QuestionWhen is the best time of the year to transplant a Maple tree in Northern Arizona? Are there any tips or suggestions you can share? Thanks, Joe Answer Deciduous plants may be moved in the spring as soon as t
QuestionI have a 6 blue spruce that only has blue tips. Is there a fertility treatment to make the tree more blue all over. I have a neighbor whose tree is very blue throughout. I have tried Acid miracle gro without
Identification of an oak species
QuestionI am trying to figure out what type of oak tree this is. The cap is very bristly, reminiscent of a bur oak although not as deep, and the entire cap is full of bristles. The acorn is just a standard looking b
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