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Cypress Tree and Foundations

QuestionCan Cypress knees and there root system break concrete and get under a foundation as the root system of a Oak tree does? AnswerYes. This is a tree that will have root problems in a yard situation. In fact y

daisy tree

QuestionI live in northern IL. I have a daisy tree planted in the ground not in a pot. I would like to know what I should do to the tree for winter. Can I leave it in the ground or should I bring it indoors? I love

dogwood survival, cleveland pear preferance.

Questionhi, can a dogwood tree [ cornus florida] have a good chance of survival here in northwestern indiana? of course the nurserys here promote the idea ,as yes you can plant it and succeed. but a couple of my fr

how to kill scrub oak

QuestionI have heard rumors of a poison that is painted on the newly cut trunk of scrub oak. Is this true? I am clearing land for fire protection purposes around a home. I plan to cut the s

Japanese maple - acer palmatum

QuestionI just had the front yard regraded and landscaped. I had the Japanese maple move to a better location, onto a mound. Do I need to do anything special to it, if so what? AnswerAfter the mov

Aspen Bark

Question Aspen-Cotton-1 I just noticed my 6 cal. Aspen has a white, cottony substance all over its bark, from the bottom of the trunk to the second tier of branches, about 12 above ground. It is actually dripp

Oak tree borers in Fla.

QuestionI have 10 year old oak tree that seems to be healthy, although some of the new growth seems to be void of leaves this summer. I found shallow boar holes in the trunk and larger branches. There ar

Trunk damage

QuestionI have a Red Maple with damage to the trunk caused by deer antlers. The tree is about 15-20 foot tall and the trunk about 4-6 inches round. The deer have scraped the bark completely off about a 2

Survival of newly planted Dogwoods

QuestionJim: I had 3 Dogwoods planted in the spring, but they always appear to be starved for water. I water every week or two, but if I miss a watering the leaves start to wilt and they appear to be moribund.

Very small balls on oak leaf underside

QuestionI live in Springfield, VA with 8 oak trees in the back yard. This year, there are small balls on the underside of the leaves. They are also falling to the ground and it sounds like it is raining

Green Giant

QuestionHello Jim, I saw your answer about the Green Giant and was wondering how it does in shade. I have read that the Western Redcedar is excellent in shade and was wondering if those traits carried to its relativ

English Oak Tree

QuestionOur cat broke a few branches from a new English Oak tree we planted. Can we root the branches? Also, can acorns be used to start a new oak tree? AnswerOak species are propagated by seed. The ac

planting norfolk pines outside

QuestionI live in Charleston, SC and want to know if its possible to transplant a norfolk pine outside. Last year the tree was on our screen porch from Mar. - Dec. and in our garage from approx. Dec - March. &

crab apple tree w/trunk full of little holes

QuestionWe have a crab apple tree that has the trunk full of little holes. We had a piece of plastic drain pipe around the trunk to protect it from mice during the winter and when we took that off we noticed t

Tree watering

QuestionHi Jim, I live in Phoenix Arizona and I have a Raywood Ash Tree that I bought about 2 months ago, I was told to water every day for the 1st 3 months and then 3 times a week after that. The leaves are s

Apple Tree:

QuestionSir, I have recently been clearing away an overgrowth of brush. I discovered an apple tree growing in the midst of all this. I dont as yet know what kind, as I can only surmise that we used to to

fir tree

QuestionOur douglas fir appears to have started a new main branch that is growing straight up along the main tree itself. LET ME BE MORE SPECIFIC ON THIS QUESTION I PREVIOUSLY SUBMITTED: THE EXTRA BRANCH IS ATTACHE

Locust root suckers

QuestionLast year I had 3 locust trees removed (not the stumps) and this year I have been battlng root suckers everywhere. What is the best way to get rid of them. I do not want to grind out the stumps because

Spruce, Colorado Blue

QuestionHello, I bought a Colorado Blue Spruce from Home Depot about 5 month ago and planted it in my back yard. The tree started browning and going bare almost instantly. The tree looks half dead now except in the

pruning a bradford pear tree

Questionin VA, when can I cut the limbs back and top the tree? AnswerGenerally trees that bloom in early spring are pruned after they finish blooming--bradford pear fits into this category. Bradford pears are a v

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