QuestionHi... I live midway between San Antonio & Austin just NE of IH-10 and Hiway 123. I have what we call a Black Bush that has been growing under my fenceline for 30 years. It has Wic
planting golden weeping willow
QuestionI have several trees in one gallon pots. Can I put pot and all in the ground untill spring or repot to a three gallon pot or should I put them in the ground & transplant in the spring. My location is in the
QuestionQUESTION: I have a dead oak tree in my yard. We rented some land to a man who needed to keep two horses there. They stayed about 3 months. (The oaks where at least 50 years old) The n
QuestionMy neighbor plans to excavate his property to erect a new house and garage. I have a couple of large old shade trees approximately 5 feet from where he plans to excavate for the garage. &nb
QuestionHi Jim, I saw your answer to the 9/13/2006 manganese question. I had the same recommendation and I have very sandy soil and am in the process of getting a soil test. What I was wondering is when is the best
QuestionWe have two similar-sized maple trees, and each has a main trunk that then splits into two thick trunks at about 4 ft off the ground. The two trunks that split are about 10 circumfrence each and the ma
Question I transplanted my 4ft. crape myrtle tree 3 days ago and its not looking well. The bark of the tree looks fine but the leaves have prematurely turned red and orange and they are drooping? What should I do? D
Strange web spanning up a tree...
QuestionOne particular oak tree in the backyard has a thick web spanning half of the circumference, yet all the way up to the top of the tree. What is it, and how do we get rid of the Web? I can attach a
My tree has green blotches on its trunk
QuestionI dont know if what is going on is a fungus or not but my tree has green blotches from the bottom to the top of its bark (trunk). I have seen other trees in my town with the same symptoms and the town has cu
QuestionMy father has a black locust tree ( at least I believe it is) and there is a large hole in the trunk of the tree due to a limb being ripped off in a storm. Because we live in Pennsylvania, my dad
QuestionI read your note on starting oaks from acorns and found it straightforward and logical. Could one use this technique, or a variation of same to begin to root chestnuts? Should one score the chest
Questionmy son has a science project, that he has to identify and lable different types of leaves he found.. i need tree leaves from indiana. any good websites?? AnswerHere are a couple of web sites that have good
QuestionWe have a newly built home built on a slope with a walkout. It has a 4.5 deep concrete porch on the front. The home builder planted a Birch (looks like a silver) with three branch legs coming out of the s
QuestionLast year I planted three young Sweet Gum trees. I live in Weatherford Texas which is 30 miles west of Ft. Worth. We had a very rainy spring which left the trees very green, full and lush.
Bradford Pear removed... never-ending suckers
QuestionQUESTION: Writing in from South Carolina. We removed a 16-year old Bradford Pear tree from our yard in early August - it never split, but was killing the lawn and the main roots were above ground (the
QuestionWe live in Southern Maine near the coast. This week I noticed that under each of the oak trees in the neighborhood there were small white softfuzzy balls about 1/4 to 1/2in. in diameter. Looking at one leaf
QuestionI live in the Albuquerque area, and in my previous home i had a raywood ash that turned Purple-red way before any other tree. I have a new home and tree now which is still green eventhough others in th
Should I remove my Bradford Pear tree?
QuestionI planted a Bradford Pear tree in my front yard about 2 years ago, and now it is about 9 feet tall. Recently I read some articles about Bradford Pear tree saying that it is susceptible to strong wind and it
Effect of weeping willow on neighbors garden
QuestionMy suburban Philadelphia, PA neighbor contends that the root system of a weeping willow I just planted will kill off their very extensive backyard garden, on the other side of the fence, within two years. Tr
QuestionI have 42 Leland in my backyard the previous owner said they come back every year just to go to homedept and pick up some insecticide. I did and it did nothing, what can i buy to use that will either kill th
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