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Bees in Elm

QuestionThere is a fairly loud hum coming from our 50 x 40 elm. We can see bees throughout the tree buzzing around. We looked for a hive on the trunk, but didnt see one. Is this just pollination or what? Thanks. An

Red oak damaged from herbicide

QuestionI live in Houston on a golf course. about 5 yrs ago, the GC sprayed herbicide to kill St. Augustine growing onto the course and it drifted onto my Shumard red oak. The tree is now about 11 years old an

Locut Tree

QuestionI have 3 young locust trees that were planted when my home was built last September. They were thriving well and suddenly many of my neighbors with similar trees have lost their trees or many of the leaves o

red maples

QuestionI have 4 red maples about 12 inches high growing in a pot. What do I do now that the fall is here? AnswerGo ahead and plant them out where you want them to grow. Dig the hole twice the size of the pot

Birch tree; mushroom growth on trunk

QuestionWe have a small stand of birch trees. Trees are approx. 40-50 years old. Lately, we have noticed white fungus or mushrooms growing on the trunk and a few areas of upper branches. Ive been told that the mushr

when to trim trees

QuestionI have 2, 30ft or larger maple trees and 3, 30ft or larger pine trees i need to trim them back myself but cant find the right info on what time of year is best. The pine needs trimed from the bottom to open

Fast Going Oak trees in Zone 6

QuestionHi Jim, First off, great job with the answers. I learned a lot just scanning some of the previous questions. My question is this...As I mentioned I live in Zone 6. My wife and I would like to plant an Oak

too many acorns

Questionour trees are dropping a lot more acorns this year than ever before. we live on long island new york, any reason for this to happen. its almost like a lawn of acorns instead of grass AnswerOaks

Willow Oak tree root system

QuestionWe live in San Antonio, TX and have a very large Willow Oak tree that lost most of its foliage in the top third of the tree 3 years ago. The lower branches had a decent, but not overly thick foliage. T

wooly aphids on elms

QuestionWe live in central Virginia. Do wooly aphids occur on elm trees as well as birch, and is treatment necessary? We have limbs encased in white insects and sooty droppings on ground (not so much on

Shagbark Hickory

QuestionI have 3 Shagbarks that are rotting at the base of the trunk - it is about 15 degrees of the circumference and does not seem to effect the strength of the tree. I have been told to cut them down and I have a

oak tree bark is swollen

QuestionHello, I live in south Louisiana. I have many oaks in my property. They have swollen areas on the bark that splits and makes a round center. I can send you a couple of photos if you would like to see what I

Japanese Maple Tree Root Problem

QuestionHi Jim, I have a Japanese maple tree that is probably more than 20 years old and is about 20-25 feet tall in me backyard. Its roots have pushed a section of my concrete patio up more than 2. I plan to remove

The Miracle? Christmas Tree

QuestionTwo years in a row my crazy boss at a summer camp has insisted that we replant our Christmas In July tree. Two summers ago we basically stuck the pine tree with its crisp, flat, cut stump right in the ground

Hickory Tree

QuestionHi... A friend of mine in Virginia just sent me some Hickory Nuts. I dont know which species though. I live in S.C. Texas midway between San Antonio & Austin just off of Hiway 123 & IH-10

Young tree trunk damage

QuestionI planted a tulip tree about 4 years ago in northern Illinois. Then it was about 1 to 1-1/2 diameter and it had a 1 cut in the bark at the ground level. Now the cut has become an open scar with exposed

Maple Tree leaf issues

QuestionHi Jim, I just noticed my maple tree has many leafs with spikes coming off them. Some leafs have just a few popping out and some have 100s. The leaves that have it look like little spikes coming off?

Quacking Aspen Trees

QuestionIm thinking about planting a couple quacking aspen trees in my front yard. Can they cause any foundation problems? How fr away from the house or pipes should I plant them? Thank you. - Joe

planting trees too deep

QuestionWe had to replant some trees a year after intial planting because we were told they were too deep. How can I tell if some of the other trees planted in the last couple years are okay or too deep? &nb

liquidamber trees

QuestionWe live in a 70s house with 4 liquid amber trees on one side and another one on another side, downhill but near our leach field. The trees are planted approximately 12 from the foundation and as yet, w

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