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red oak tree in small yardd

QuestionI live in North Texas and my front yard receives full sun. By city ordinance I have to have 2 trees in my very small front yard. Should I plant live oak or red oak trees? AnswerDo You Have to

purple weeping beech tree

QuestionWe recently had a purple weeping beech tree planted and it seems to be dying. The leaves are falling off and there is no new growth at all. It looks very thin and dry. It has been getting water regularly and

moving cupressus trees

QuestionDear Jim, I live in Petoria, South Africa. The climate is very temperate. I have two cupressus trees, about 5 years old and want to move them to another spot. Is it possible to do that without damaging them?

hackberry tree problems

QuestionI have a very large hackberry tree in my backyard, approx 20 feet from our back door, it is too tall to examine the leaves or branches closely. The leaves are falling off the tree. The leaves sti

our spruce tree

Questionour spruce tree was recently vandalized and cut off at the top, is their a possibly way to regrow the shape of our spruce tree? thank you :) AnswerIt depends on how young the tree is. The tree may grow a

tree foam

QuestionA tree that has a foam like substance at the base. It attracts bees, flies and ants. What is it? AnswerThis is called wetwood or slime flux. The bacterial wetwood is found in the roots, branches, and trunks

Japenese red maple tree

QuestionWe live in Southern , MD. We have a 25 year old Japenese red maple that is beautiful, until this summer. ALL of the leaves have turned completely green. Does the drought have anything to do

Crab Apple Trees

QuestionHi, I have a Crab Apple Tree that appears to be very healthy, it produces a lot of apples by the end of the season. However, all these apples pile up on my yard and make a big mess when I mow or just try and

tree grubs

QuestionI was wondering if you could give me any info about some very large white grubs I have been finding in maple trees I have recently removed. They are the size of my thumb and have all been found in rotten are

tree shoots

QuestionI cut down a autumn blaze maple that had been damaged by bad weather. We cut it at ground level and it is now putting out new shoots. Should I leave the new shoots. Will I get a healthy tree from the r

tree with peeling bark

QuestionI have a large oak tree, probably close to 70 yeasr old that was damaged about 2 yeasr ago when a branch fell and knocked off the bark in about a 1 by 1 space. Now the 1 square has peeled back and has

Birch Tree with multiple trunks

QuestionI have a young birch tree with 3 trunks in a large pot and plan to plant it in the next few days. Can the 3 trunks be separated and planted in separate holes without killing the trees? AnswerIf the tr

yellowed needles on Ponderosa Pine

QuestionQUESTION: I have 3 natural ponderosa pines near my property that have yellowed needles. They have been in this condition for over a year. Being concerned about the health of the tress I sent samp

dead maple tree and cherry tree

QuestionWe are in a severe drought here in Central North Carolina. My garden is approximately 6 years old. My trees range in age from new to 6. My 6 year old maple and a 2 year old cherry dropped a

White bubbling foam on hickory tree

QuestionI live in SW Missouri and after the ice storm, ran a rope from a straight hickory to one that was bent over. Now that it is upright again, I removed the rope and now on the anchor tree, I have 2 small vertic

black leaves on ornamental pear tree

QuestionHelp! Do I have to cut the tree down. I have back leaves on my ornamental pear tree. Can I treat it? THanks, Karen I will love you forever if you can save my precious tree!!!! AnswerNO. I

rooting habit of Bradford Pear

QuestionQUESTION: Hi, We moved into a house with 3 Bradford pears in the back yard (~ 20 years old). We would like to remove them and plant Kousa dogwoods in their place. Weve had an arborist come in an

stop new growth on tree stump

QuestionI need to know how to stop new growth on a 4-foot high nut (I dont know what kind) tree. Its sprouting shoots along the sides and Ive been clipping them every 1-2 weeks but they just keep coming. Answ

Poplar Tree Roots & House Foundations!

QuestionI live in Spokane WA. About 8 years ago I planted several Poplars in my Front & Side Yards--one about 10-12 ft from the corner of my Home & within 2-3 ft of the line between my place & the Neighbors. Of cour

live (scrub?) oak disease or parasite

QuestionWe suddenly noticed that one of the oak trees out front (western Oklahoma) has tiny green, yellow, red balls stuck to the underside of most of the leaves. We have lived here for several years and dont

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