QuestionHi i just wanted to know if Juniper was a tree or shrub and is it called tamerac...and is it a hardwood/softwood. Thank you AnswerTamarack is one of only three native North American larch species and
QuestionHello! I reside in Central North Dakota. We recently purchased a home with 2 very large and severely overgrown junipers in the front and 1 on the side.( All are within 2 feet of the foundation.) The tr
Locust tree-white stuff on dead limb and webbing on clumps of leaves on ends of branches
QuestionI have looked on this site and at first thought I had Bark Lice on my locust tree. But after reading the answer to the the persons problem I see that the spiderlike webbing on the leaves only at the end of
QuestionMy Hyland, I have what it looks like web-like bags in my tree. In the bag it appears that the leaves are dying. Is it a spider or a bag worm? Also, how do I get rid of it without hurting my tree? Thank you!
QuestionThese trees are taking over our pasture land and I want to know what is the best way to get rid of them. I have started cutting them down and spraying the stump with Remedy, a tree killer spray. Any ot
Red Oak w/black residue on leaves
QuestionI live in West Houston and I have a Red Oak that has black residue on the leaves and branches. Seems to be more prevalent on the older foliage. Any ideas? AnswerSounds like soot mold. The real cause is inse
trying to find out name of tree
QuestionWhile in West Virginia I saw a tree which had hard round spikey green balls (for lack of a better word) hanging from it. The spikes were very sharp and when they fell to the ground they turned brown wi
Bradford Pear Tree and uncontrollable suckers
QuestionI had 2 Bradford Pear trees (front and back of house in Buffalo, NY.) They presented numerous problems w/ sucker growth, esp. the tree in the drier location. Due to our October Storm, both had to be cut down
QuestionI have a Red Oak tree that is about 29 years old. It appears to be very healthy and always has. I trimmed the branches last year and the tree has grown a lot since then. This year I have no
grubworms (?) as larvae on tress
QuestionI have about 30 pine trees at my house (I live in Fredericksburg, VA). Many (if not all) of the pine trees have a recent appearing pine cone (about 1 inch) dangling from the branch that contains a larvae. In
QuestionWhen is the best time of year to fertilize evergreen trees in the state of Maine. We put in several white pine and spruce about a year ago. Thank you! AnswerThe best time is early spring after the last fros
cottonless cottonwood tree leaves problem
QuestionI planted about 10 cottonless cottonwoods on a fence line 15 months ago. Their growth has been tremendous. In the past several weeks however, their leaves have developed dark spots on them and are turning ye
QuestionHi, We have a pine tree stump in the front yard that has been cut for some years. Just recently I noticed a white marshmallow-y thing growing on the bottom of the stump. We pulled on a piece of grass to see
QuestionHi Jim, We live in the East Bay of the San Francisco area and have a sloping hillside behind our house where directly behind our house (20 feet away) the hillside drops off at about a very steep angle. &nbs
QuestionI rooted a piece of fig branch from my 90 year old aunts tree and have had it in a pot on our deck for the summer.It is about 4 feet tall now and doing great.But my concern is the approaching colder weather.
QuestionJim - I live in the southeastern corner of PA. I live in a wooded setting. About a month ago I noticed what looked like a pure white fungus covering some small limbs of a beech tree in my yard. I
Live Oak Root shoots close to foundation
QuestionCan we trench thru and remove a 3 foot radius around the trunk of a Live Oak tree in an effort to keep the roots and leaf debris from building up over our foundation line (where the bricks meet the concrete)
QuestionI notice many holes in the trunk of the tree starting at the base and winding upward as far as i can see. Some are small d shape holes, but most are as large as a pencil and black, almost like bullet h
Questioni live in south central kansas. i have these trees with almost fern like branches that grow like weeds but look very very similar to a mimosa tree but there are no blooms at all. i hope to identify thi
do weeping birch trees sucker after removing them?
QuestionJim, I live in Bozeman Montana and recently removed a weeping birch from my back yard. The remains of the stump is about an inch high and I was wondering if I need to be concerned about the roots sucke
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