QuestionI have a very old and large Bradford Pear and I dont know how to prune it. It has a chain at the base of its limbs that someone put around it before we bought our house. I have no problem with th
QuestionIn August 2005 I had 10 blue spruce trees planted in a row on my property line.This was done by an owner of a local greenery .They were 4 feet tall high .The location was in Potsdam N.Y.which is the far nort
QuestionI live in Jamestown RI. My Maple tree in my back yard this past spring started having this spot in the bark with liquid coming out of it. The liquid was yellowish is colorand runs down the tree. I have never
QuestionThe previous owner of my home had liquid amber trees in the front yard. They removed them before I purchased the home because the roots had pushed up the driveway. There are still many shoots app
Questionwhat can I do about this peroblem? AnswerThere are a variety of gall-forming species of small wasps that commonly infest oak, Quercus spp. Most leaf galls on oak cause little or no harm to the health of a t
QuestionI guess I neglected my tree for too long because it seems to have black knot all over the place. Im not sure if I would have much left of the tree if I tried to cut it off all the branches that are aff
QuestionWe have a magnolia tree that suddenly (and for the first time that weve noticed) has hundreds (or at least dozens) of small brown caterpillars congregating on the crook of the branches and seem to be making
QuestionWe has a sunset maple transplanted and that tree is fine. We got a ornamental tree transplanted and it was cool outside at the time but now it is hot (we live in IL crazy weather) and some leaves are t
Maple sapling stressed due to trunk wound
QuestionWe planted a maple sapling about 3 years ago in our neighbors yard (its a rental house, and were trying to make our street more attractive). Ive noticed that the leaves are looking yellow-green rather
QuestionMy Euonymus tree seems to have an infestation of bugs or perhaps scale. Many little white things on the underside of leave and on the branches slowly killing the plant. I also quite often find spider webs le
transplanting seedlings from a grown locus tree
QuestionJim, We have a very large honeylocus growing in our front yard, we have notice a lot of little trees sprouting up. Can those be dug up and planted else where or will they go into shock and die? If they can b
QuestionColorado Springs CO. I have two Aspen trees in my yard that have black edges on some of the leaves. The leave is green and looks healthy, but the edges are black and crusty. Ive seen some b
Weeping Birch producing lots of seeds
QuestionI live in North Dakota. We planted a weeping birch in our yard the year 26 yrs ago. It is a beautiful tree. Has never had birch bore that we know of. Each year it seems to produce see
Japanese beetles eating purple plum tree
QuestionQUESTION: What can I do to prevent Japanese beetles from eating the leaves of my purple plume tree? ANSWER: Many insecticides are labeled for Japanese beetle control on landscape plants. Examples include ac
gumballs, tulip tree scale or thrips
QuestionCan the growth of gumballs be stopped? I have a tulip poplar that the bark is peeling off. I have heard every response from scale to thrips. Pleasemhelp AnswerThere is now a product available to stop the fr
QuestionOne of my sisters cut a ring of bark from around a large pine tree branch. Soon the whole branch died. My dad said that the bark carries the nutrients in the tree. So if a lot of bark gets pulled off it will
QuestionI have 90 two feet tall giant thuja trees. I want to prune them this year to make them more dense and promote deeper roots.How far back do I cut the stingers. I have planted the trees along a fence lin
QuestionJim, We have an old maple in our front, and I noticed a wet streak in the bark about 4 1/2 feet up. The streak is about 2 long. Running my finger against it, the bark was a little soft, and I no
QuestionQUESTION: We purchased a home 3-4 years ago in Southeastern Wisconsin and are very pleased with a very large maple tree in our front yard. Within the past year or so the tree has steadily thinned out and loo
black walnuts in unwanted places
QuestionWe live in SE MN and have lots of black walnuts growing on our farm. Thanks to some busy squirrels and lack of time to weed for a few years, we have been inundated with trees growing too close to build
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