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purple leaf plum tree

QuestionWe planted our plum tree very early spring, we enjoyed the blossoms it showed. But shortly after that it appears that something is tearing apart the leaves or eating them. I never see any bugs on the leaves.

pruning Crimson King Maple

QuestionHello, Last year (late summer) we purchased a Crimson King Maple, about 12 feet high. It has beautiful dark red leaves, and I think were really going to enjoy it. However, it is currently one straight leave

Birches and septic systems

QuestionId like to have large trees in my backyard. Because the septic system is in the backyard, I need to know if the root system of Birches will seek out and destroy my septic system the way I have been told Mapl

brown cluster of dead leaves on trees

QuestionWe live in the Park Ridge area (a suburb of Chicago) in Illinois, and in the last few days have noticed that most of the trees in the area are showing brown clusters of dead leaves, from a small amount to so

red Japanese Maple tree

QuestionMy tree is about 3 years old and sits at the corner of a fence, I have noticed brown marks on the leaves and wonder if I should do anything about it. Thanks Annette AnswerThese are leaf spots caused by a fu

yellow, rusty, wilty, oak tree leaves

QuestionHello, I have a 3 year old pin oak that has rusty, yellow, wilty looking leaves. What is this and what can I do to save this tree that is on the Sunny side (West side) of our house? I did apply S

strange pest on double weeping higan cherry tree

QuestionI have a newly planted Higan Cherry tree in mid Wisconsin. I recently noticed a strange blackish, tar like substance on the branches in a few different spots. It was very hard, and wrapped around the branch.

should I remove tree

QuestionI have a 2 year old weeping willow tree. The main trunk appears dead however many small branches have sprouted from the base of the trunk. Should I remove the tree based on the fact that the main

pear tree care

QuestionI have a Bartlett pear tree there is a big hole through the center of the base,several limbs are dead,the leaves have small black spots the tree is still producing pears are the pears safe to eat and is ther

Bark Beatles ?

QuestionI live in Sedona AZ. One day I noticed small twigs w/needles dropping off the Shaggy Bark Juniper. Then it seemed as if 7/8 of the needles dropped in about 1 week. Then upon closer examination I pulled a sma

Oak tree leaking horrible odor from bark

QuestionI live near Hot Springs AR. I have a white oak tree that is leaking a horrible odor from the bark (near the ground). Clear liquid discharge has formed a muddy puddle around the base of the tree.

cherry seeds

QuestionMy daughter and I live in Dallas, TX and we recently potted several cherry seeds from cherries that we bought at a local market. When should we expect them to begin sprouting if they will at all? Do you have

seeping oak tree

QuestionI have an oak tree in my yard that seems to bee seeping. A brownish green puddle has appeared on one side at the soil line. it is very wet and muddy and I can see some small black bus as well. I am in centra

Cypress Tree Knee Removal

QuestionSorry about that. I am wanting to know how can I get rid of Cypress Tree Knees. I live in South Louisiana. I dont know the type of Cypress Tree I have. But, the cypress knees have become a nuisance. I read o

unknown fruit or nut tree

QuestionQUESTION: We found a tree in our back yard that for years grew, but produced nothing. This is what we found this past weekend. It looks like some sort of nut but we are unable to identify it. Can you help or

Key Lime tree

Question I have a Key Lime tree in Fla. Bay area, and the tree looks very healthy but is not producing any fruit. Any suggestions AnswerNot much to go on here . A lot depends on how the tree was starte

Olive tree roots

QuestionWe just moved into an older home with an old olive tree in front of the house. It is very close to the main sewage line coming from the house. We called a roto-rooter guy and found out that we have roots in

Maple Tree Leaking

QuestionWe have lived in our house for more than 20 years and the sugar maple tree next to our driveway has never leaked. It is a very healthy looking tree. This year it started leaking clear and brown s

Pruning Dogwood Truee

QuestionQUESTION: I have a what I think is a florida dogwood tree. It has white blooms. I had to top it because it was way way way out of control. I did have the good sense to wait until afte

Is my tree dying??

QuestionHi, in my garden I have a very large flowering cherry tree (pink)it looks like it is dying, as the branches have started to fall off, no leaves remain on the lower part, but there is green leaves at the very

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