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Norway Maple (Crimson King)

QuestionWe have a Norway Maple (Crimson King) tree in our backyard (approximately 12 years old) which is starting to create a heavy shade and therefore causing the grass around it to die. We were fine with gra

worm eating maple leaves

QuestionI have what appear to be inch worms that are eacting the leaves to my maple (i believe red maple to be more accurate). There are so many worms eating at the same time it sounds like rain falling on the

chewed leaves crimson king maple

QuestionI just moved into a new home, and while watering the trees planted on the boulevard, noticed that the maple had crawling catepillars and leaves that were chewed up. How would I treat this? AnswerSpray

Spruce Tree Pruning

QuestionLast year I purchased a new home that came complete with a 50ft. spruce tree in the back yard. Much of the interior branches are dried, without growth and appear dead. The exterior seems healthy but th

trees with very little leaves this spring

QuestionI planted a maple tree last May or June. It grew beautifully all summer/fall. This spring it only has very limited leaves, mostly near the trunk. There are some leaves coming out now on a f

distressed maple tree

QuestionOur gum maple has no new shoots and many dead ones, is not as full as previous years. Is this the result of a warm winter in Connecticut? Is there anything I should do such as deep feeding? Thank you

Oak tree with small 1/2 inch diameter hole

QuestionI have a 6 year old oak tree. It is approximately 6-7 inches in diameter at the base and 15-20 ft tall. I just noticed a small hole on the south side of the tree which is about 2 feet above groun

Trimming A Japanese Maple

QuestionI have a Japanese Maple, sorry I dont know the type, that is about 8 yrs old. About 6 yrs ago my dog ripped off the top main branch on one side. The tree survived the attack but now it is g

riverbirch watering needs

QuestionI live in central Ohio, which has hot and dry summers. I have five riverbirch in the backyard, which I love, but every summer they lose a lot of their leaves. Once the weather starts getting hot,

Oak Tree Roots damaging driveway/sidewalk

QuestionWe live in Bradenton, FL and have a 6 year old oak tree in the front yard with a trunk diameter of approximately 8. It was planted about 3 ft from our driveway and 4 from the sidewalk. We have a very small,

Elm tree with wax scales?

QuestionHi, My tree has something that sounds like wax scales from your reply to another post. I have a Chinese Elm. It is very large, huge to be more specific going up to the power lines and spread out almost 30 fe

transplanting a tree

QuestionI transplanted a crabapple tree about a month ago.The tree lost all of its leaves from stress, i think? is this normal and will my tree survive? AnswerSounds like shock from the planting. How you dug and re

Oak tree leaking sap due to tree spike usage

QuestionHello, I have seen a number of oak trees (red) that have been climbed for pruning using tree spikes. Most of this work as relayed by people was done a year ago. This year the holes have darkened and sap is r

White Worms on Pagoda Dogwood tree

QuestionEACH YR. ABOUT THIS TIME (MID TO LATE jUNE IN VT) I see spittle on my pagoda dogwood (just about flowering time). This spawns small white worms which grow into large white worms that eat the leaves. I am tol

white pine problem

QuestionQUESTION: . We live in Pennsylvania, and have several acres where we raise evergreens. We have grown Eastern White Pine for about 25 years now and never encountered a problem. All the sudden the

Black locus

QuestionIs the wood suitable for burning in a fireplace as I know it is very hard? AnswerYes. Black Locust is unsurpassed as firewood for wood stoves; it burns slowly, with little visible flame or smoke, and has a

Weeping Cherry trees

QuestionIs there a variety of Weeping Cherry trees that grow to only about 6-7 feet tall? If so,where can I find them? AnswerOne of these is the stella cherry. STELLA, COMPACT Prunus avium- Has all the outstanding

root/tree suckers

QuestionI have a crabapple tree in a well maintained front lawn. The problem is that root suckers, probably 100 of them, keep growing through the grass and mulch bed tthat surround the tree. How do you kill th

hollow trees

Questioncan an arborist x-ray a tree to see if it is hollow? AnswerYes and no. They usually use a machine that records the resistance of the wood and from that reading can determine if the tree is hollow or has dec

Oak tree with insects

QuestionWe have an oak tree in our front yard (in Austin, TX) that is about 30 inches in diameter. The previous owners cut a large limb (about 10-12 inches diameter)of the tree off several years ago. We beleive that

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