QuestionI have a river birch tree in my back yard that is 2 yrs old. My concern is that is seems to be infested with flies and a few lady bugs. The majority of the leaves look good, however, there are a few that are
QuestionWe just moved into a new development. We have a massive oak tree in our back with mud & weeds all around. We are getting ready to landscape & have been actively attacking the weeds, including those under the
QuestionSeveral surface roots (6 to 8) were cut on our oak tree. I know this can be harmful for the tree. What can we do now to hopefully save the tree? I live in Arkansas. AnswerIt depends
QuestionHi, After a mild winter and 2 weeks of temps in the 70s and 80s my Crepe Myrtles had just started to leaf out. We then were hit with a hard freeze where temps got into the 20s for 4 nights. The leaves are n
QuestionQUESTION: I live in Phoenix. I have planted a shamel ash about 4 feet from a sidewalk and driveway. Now I understand the roots are invasive. What can I do to minimize the damage in the futu
QuestionHello Jim, I want to plant an Orange tree on my side yard in the grass next to my house. Will the roots disrupt my house or come up to the grass? My dirt is horribl
QuestionWill the roots of this tree buckle cement or damage a foundation to a house? I want to plant this tree in the front of my house near a walkway. Are the roots deep? AnswerThe major roots of Golde
QuestionAfter the maple syrup season is done and I am ready to remove the tap what do I need to do with the hole in the tree? None of the how to sites address the issue of the tree after tapping only what to do with
QuestionQUESTION: I have recently read that this tree has a suffocating root system. I planted one two weeks ago at the edge of my vegetable garden. I dug a very deep hole in attempt to get the roots to
QuestionI have two dwarf cherry trees and both of them are developing webs. Inside the webs it looks as if there are caterpillars. What is wrong with my trees and how do I treat them? I live in nor
QuestionWe have a large English holly and it appears to have some type of disease on the bark. It is hard to describe but it almost looks like a woodpecker has been at it, however, the marks are all straight a
QuestionIf I plant a row of Thujas against a fence, approx 4 feet from the fence and four feet between each other, will the Thujas eventually push down the fence? I have read the width can be from 5 feet all t
QuestionGood morning. I live outside of Austin Texas and have noticed this spring that my oak trees in the backyard are not hardly any new leaves. We have about 8 of them and they are all having trouble.
QuestionCan you tell me how much lye to use on my lawn and what kind. I am told the evergreen trees take something out of the lawn. I am also told it will help where my dog goes on the lawn. Thanks, Jackie AnswerEv
QuestionHello, I have a miniature Alberta Spruce & was wondering when or if I should fertilize & what to use for fertilizer. & when to water. I live in Edmonton Alberta, Thanks AnswerEvergreen fertilizer (typicall
QuestionMy cousin has birch trees in his lawn - were in zone 9 - but the roots are invading his lawn. How much of the roots can he trim without harming the tree, please? AnswerIf you are talking about the roots exp
QuestionHello. We have a magnolia tree that is still young (has not grown or bloomed since we planted it 4 years ago). I was informed yesterday during a landscape consult, that we planted it in the wrong place
Fungus from roots of removed oak tree.
QuestionJim, i had an oak tree removed from my yard a few years back and now i have fungus growing up through my lawn (where the tree was) that is white and thumb like. It appears to be attached to the dead tr
QuestionI would like to top my weeping willows. Is that safe to do. I have dying branches and it looks ragged. I would like to trim it back as much as possible. Part of it is hanging over my deck.
QuestionI received a purple robe locust as a house warming gift 2 yrs ago and planted it about 10 ft. from the back of my house in the city and 6 feet from my driveway. I was told it grows to about 20-25 feet.
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