QuestionHello, planted 5 young maples about 3 feet high this past fall. Dog has bitten off the leader of one and is left with a side branch from the leader. I plan on waiting and seeing what will become of this, is
Chinese Pistache tree yellowing
QuestionJim, I have a Chinese Pistache tree in my back yard that is looking kind of droopy and yellow, but hasnt lost any leaves yet. I wasnt sure what was causing it and was curious if you might know if I t
How to stop leakage from damaged root
QuestionI have a very large walnut tree in northern California that I severed a couple of roots, one is at least an inch to inch and a half in diameter, and is leaking quite a bit of fluid into my ditch. Is there a
QuestionHi, I have a huge hackberry in front. Heard that for the second year has gotten some white-ish colored fungus all around the trunk right at the grass level. It has no definately form like some o
Sycamore bark pest identification question
Question Sycamore 3 images We live in central NM and have a mature (25yr, +/-35) Sycamore in an irrigated part of our yard. Last year it went through a period of bark shedding, most of the branches now a ligh
QuestionSir,Maam, I have two royal empress trees planted in large pots. They are both doing very well! But one of them is getting nibbled on. At first I thought it was the bunny that frequents our yard, but because
QuestionWhere did Dogwoods (Cornus florida) originate from ? I thought they were introduced to Europe from Asia, then brought to North America, but most sources list them as native or indigenous to North America. A
QuestionMe and a friend found a root that has been cut and its coverd in a strange yellow gunk. we also seen another root with the same stuff but orange what is this and is it dangerous? AnswerThis is sap from the
Questioni have a globe willow that has white mold growing in the cracked trunk near the bottom of the tree the bark is dead and pealing????? help i dont want it to die what should i do ??? AnswerSounds
Fungus from stump or science fiction takeover?!
Question long view & on siding Hi Jim, A few days ago while I was pulling on a 1/4 tubing on the ground, it wouldnt budge so I went to investigate. Part of it was embedded in a whitish (with
QuestionPlanted several claret Ash trees along our drive, in a grassed area. These were chosen for autumn colour. Have been very disappointed in that these have not given the promised colour. One t
QuestionI live in NC and have a huge shagbark in my back yard. Recently, when I go on my deck it is covered in the trees bark. This is new. I watched the tree from inside the house and it appears t
QuestionI read your answer to an earlier post about the Honey Locust not being poisoness, but I find it so hard to believe. I had a thorn go through the side of my tennis shoe and lodge in the side of my ankle
Question Willow Tree Hi, I planted my weeping willow about nine years ago and it grew very quickly and has bloomed beautifully every year. This spring it seems to be taking its time blooming and I am af
QuestionI have a hybrid Elm tree, about 15 years old, and Dutch Elm disease resistant. Each spring for the past few years many of the branch tips drop off. The tips have 3 or more leaves on them. The number of
QuestionI live on Long Island (NY) and purchased a Blue Spruce 16 years ago as a sapling. This past week I noticed holes on the trunk. The holes are small and slightly oval in shape and All are of the same size and
Question dogwood split trunk What is the proper treatment or care for a young dogwood which, according to my mother, went through a drought and as a result the bark peeled and the trunk began to split? I have
QuestionI am looking to plant Towering Poplar trees (Populus x Canescens tower) along the driveway. I understand that this tree has an extensive root system, but not sure how extensive. What is the diameter of the r
QuestionIn August of 2011, we planted a 17 ft. purple birch tree as instructed by the owner of a garden center. We were told to dig a hole 6 ft. wide and deep enough so as the top of the root ball sits level w
Rot in hole in tree - cause for concern?
QuestionHello Jim, thanks for reading my question. I have a 75 yr old flowering cherry in the front of my house.. 燭oday I noticed one of the nodes that used to have a limb which either was cut or broke off at some
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