QuestionI have a +100 yr old oak with large holes that fill with dirt and leaves. Should I seal these holes? AnswerThere is no need to fill the holes. A decay fungi has entered the woody dead cells of the tru
QuestionI have a 50 foot ash that is leaning at a 5 degree angle to the east and Im concerned it will fall on the garage in a wind storm especially since we have gotten so much rain and the soil is very saturated. &
QuestionNow 10 years old, nearly 15 high,straight as can be but is spindly with 6-8 in. between what looks to be healthy branches. In between are short, stunted, dead branches. &n
QuestionJim, I wrote to you beforeand these bagworms have definetely eaten most of my blue spruce. Their are a few green needles left on ends of branches but not many. It will be impossible for me to cut all these s
Question Root growth Hi there, Our oak tree has developed some orange and red globular spots on the leaves. Also, there are knotty root growth coming up through our lawn. I think the root growths are fr
Additional picture for last post re: oak tree
Question Growths on oak leaf Please see this picture as well AnswerSounds like gall wasps. The insect lays its eggs on the leaf and secretes a chemical that causes the cells on the leaf to grow over the egg. The t
QuestionWhy would leaves fall from our freshly pruned mature maples? We did cut back quite a few branches. Are the trees in shock? Should we be worried? AnswerIF you cut the ends of the branch off this is the growi
Questionplease help! my birch was hurt by my landscapers in 2008. the bark is peeled back about 14 inches almost all the way around the tree. the tree is putting on far fewer leaves this year with
QuestionWe believe our blue spruce has the Rhizosphaera needle cast disease. Half of the bottom branchs around the 25-30 ft. spruce look just like pictures we have seen of this disease. If we get fungicide spray and
damage to purpleleaf sandcherry tree
QuestionI need your expertise........I was pruning my purpleleaf sandcherry tree and I cut toooo close to the trunk damaging the trunk.......what should I put on the wound .......please help....I love my sandcherry
QuestionI believe ficus trees should be trimmed yrly to contain roots and manage growth. Our 4 ficus are 25 tall and Im getting resistance from the unit owners. What can I say so they will let the tree trimmin
Removing Italian Cypress and Roots
QuestionWe have four Italian Cypress trees that have been planted since the 70s that must be removed. I have been researching to find out about the root system of these trees. The tree removal company sa
cutting the top off a maple tree
QuestionI planted a maple to help brace a retaining wall.If I cut the top will it tend to grow wider as opposed to taller? AnswerNo it may kill the tree. The top is the source of terminal growth and if it is cut of
Question Italian cypress tree s I planed 6 Italian cypress trees in two rows. Three tree on each rows. the trees are 3 to 4 apart from first row to second row (please see the picture attache). I have bee
Questionafter blooming and producing a large crop of cherries, the tree (in a matter of days) appeared to die. All of the leaves turned a brown color and have fallen off. There is some sap oozing from some of the br
QuestionMy tree is about 15 yrs old, bought at a nursery,grafted and planted by experts. The roots spread all over my from yard about 4-6 deep, and are sprouting everywhere. I try to pick them before mowing. Is ther
QuestionHello, My Octobers Glory Maple trees bark split over the winter. Now I live in Fl. so the temp. never fell below 32 degrees for more than a few hours where I live, so I am wondering if it
Question Maple Leaf Problem I have a maple tree in my back yard, its 3 years old and I have noticed that there is a black spot developing on many of the leaves. Can you tell me what is wrong and how I can fix this p
QuestionIm in MN with a plum tree that was going set to produce a lot of fruit last year. It didnt. Then this year, half of the tree died out, primarily on the top and western side. It didnt even g
How do I identify a sugar maple?
Question Is this a maple tree I think I have a red-leaf maple growing in my yard from a neighbors tree, but its too small to really tell. If thats what it is, then I want to keep it, but if it is a weed or something
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